Monday, October 22, 2012

Hormone therapy not recommended for disease prevention: U.S. panel

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BANKRUPT VEGAN: Cranberry-Almond Kale Salad

I am always searching for more ways to cram kale into my diet. I love the stuff! And I always feel so great after I eat it - energized and... uh.. well, you know... "rollin' in the colon" and stuff. Hey, I just made up a new phrase! Rollin' in the colon. I like that.

1 bunch fresh kale, stalks removed and coarsely chopped
1/4 cup orange juice
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
2 tablespoons maple syrup, agave nectar, or sugar
2 tablespoons soy sauce or liquid aminos
1 teaspoon sesame oil
1 to 2 teaspoons fresh ginger, very finely grated (I use the little frozen squares)
1/4 cup sliced almonds
1/4 cup dried cranberries

  • First, whisk together the following items in a large bowl: orange juice, apple cider vinegar, sweetener of your choice, soy sauce, and sesame oil.?
  • Add the ginger and whisk again, until very well incorporated.
  • Add the kale and use salad tongs or hands, or whatever you've got, to gently toss the kale in the dressing until every leaf if covered and dripping with good stuff.
  • Now add your almonds and cranberries. Toss again.
  • Enjoy!

And now I have a strange request for my readers...


I have a mystery tree growing my backyard. We've only lived here for a year, and all year long I've watched these weird little pink balls growing on the tree behind my bedroom window. Now they are falling off and I'm like, "Should I be roasting these or what?" I have no clue what they are. The little black thing on top reminds me of a persimmon, but I saw some persimmons at the grocery story recently and they were way bigger than what I have. So, I am flummoxed. Can anybody shed some light on this??

And, if you know what it is, can you also throw a recipe or two my way? The Bankrupt Vegan title is not just a clever moniker. If I have food growing in my backyard, I need to eat it!


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NBC/Wall Street Journal poll has Obama, Romney tied at 47 percent

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney are tied at 47 percent support each among likely voters with just over two weeks to go before the U.S. presidential election, a NBC/Wall Street Journal poll released on Sunday said.

The nationwide poll, which was conducted after last Monday's presidential debate, reinforced the perception of the race as a cliffhanger.

It showed "a little bit of a lead" for Romney among the critical "battleground" states as a group, NBC correspondent Chuck Todd said on the network's "Meet the Press" program.

Among a larger sample of registered voters, Obama led Romney 49% to 44%, the Wall Street Journal said in a report on the poll on its website. This, however, was down from a seven-point edge the president had among registered voters in late September, the Journal said.

"Sitting at 47 is a good number for a challenger, but not a good number for an incumbent" close to the November 6 election, NBC's Todd said on Meet the Press. He said Obama's lead among women - 51 percent to 43 percent - was his smallest all year long.

Obama's campaign adviser David Axelrod, appearing on the NBC program, said polls for the election were "all over the map." He said he had always predicted Obama's re-election attempt would be close.

"If you look at the early voting that's going on around the country, it's very robust and its very favorable to us. And we think that's a better indicator than these public polls, which are frankly all over the, all over the map," Axelrod said.

Ohio Senator Rob Portman, a Republican who has helped Romney prepare for campaign debates, told Meet the Press: "I like what I see because the trend is in our direction ... that's where you want to be at this point in the campaign."

Romney has been closing in on Obama in recent weeks, with several surveys showing the pair tied or close to it, as Americans remain split between giving Obama more time to fix the economy, or choosing a former business executive who argues he knows best how to create jobs.

A Reuters/Ipsos poll on Saturday showed Obama with a razor-thin lead, 46 percent to 45 percent. The margin had narrowed from Friday when he had a three-point lead.

After the third and final presidential debate on Monday, Obama travels later in the week to battleground states Iowa, Colorado, Nevada, Florida, Virginia and Ohio to try to fend off Romney's challenge.

The NBC/WSJ poll of 816 likely voters and 1,000 registered voters was conducted October 17-20. It has a margin of error of plus-minus 3.43 percentage points for the sample of likely voters and plus-minus 3.1 percentage points for registered voters.

(Reporting By Susan Cornwell; Editing by Alistair Bell and David Brunnstrom)


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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Presidential Proclamation -- National Domestic Violence Awareness ...

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release

October 01, 2012


- - - - - - -



For far too long, domestic violence was ignored or treated as a private matter where victims were left to suffer in silence without hope of intervention. As we mark the 18th anniversary of the landmark Violence Against Women Act, authored by Vice President Joe Biden, we reflect on how far we have come. We have made significant progress in changing laws and attitudes, providing support to survivors, and reducing the incidence of domestic violence. But we also know that we have not come far enough, and that there is more work left to be done. During National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, we stand with all those who have been affected by this terrible crime, recognize the individuals and groups who have stepped forward to break the cycle of violence, and recommit to putting an end to domestic violence in America.

Despite considerable progress in reducing domestic violence, an average of three women in the United States lose their lives every day as a result of these unconscionable acts. And while women between the ages of 16 and 24 are among the most vulnerable to intimate partner violence, domestic violence affects people regardless of gender, age, sexual orientation, race, or religion. Tragically, without intervention, children exposed to such violence can suffer serious long-term consequences that may include difficulty in school, post-traumatic disorders, alcohol and drug abuse, and criminal behavior.

My Administration remains committed to getting victims the help they need, from emergency shelter and legal assistance to transitional housing and services for children. We are also working to stop violence before it starts. Last year, agencies across the Federal Government held town hall meetings nationwide to promote men's roles in ending violence against women. Through Vice President Biden's 1is2many initiative, we built on that progress earlier this year by releasing a public service announcement that features professional athletes and other role models speaking out against dating violence. This April, I directed leaders throughout my Administration to increase efforts to prevent and combat domestic violence involving Federal employees and address its effects on the Federal workforce. Since August, the Affordable Care Act has required most insurance plans to make domestic violence screening and counseling available as a preventive service for women -- without co-payments, deductibles, or other cost-sharing. And most recently, we developed a new initiative to reduce domestic violence homicides through high risk screening and linking victims with services. Moreover, my Administration looks forward to working with the Congress to strengthen and reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act.

While government must do its part, all Americans can play a role in ending domestic violence. Each of us can promote healthy relationships, speak out when we see injustice in our communities, stand with survivors we know, and change attitudes that perpetuate the cycle of abuse. We must also ensure that survivors of domestic violence know they are not alone, and that there are resources available to them. I encourage victims, their loved ones, and concerned citizens to learn more by calling the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE, or by visiting

This month, let us renew our efforts to support victims of domestic violence in their time of greatest need, and to realize an America where no one lives in fear because they feel unsafe in their own home.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim October 2012 as National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. I call on all Americans to speak out against domestic violence and support local efforts to assist victims of these crimes in finding the help and healing they need.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this first day of October, in the year of our Lord two thousand twelve, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-seventh.



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Monday, October 1, 2012

Window Cleaning Tips and Tools From a Window Cleaner ? #13 ...

A good tip is to use microfiber cloths. It seems window cleaners can never get away from using the regular cloths either. I use a lot of the regular white cotton cloths as well. That way I don?t have to use my microfiber cloths for everything and they seem to last longer.

Another good thing about microfiber cloths is that they come in so many different colors. A good advantage is everybody on the window cleaning crew gets their own color microfiber cloths. That way we know which ones belong to each person on the crew.

The same coding method is used with our tools. We color code them so we know which tools belong to each person.

It is also amazing that there are so many different types of tools we use today for cleaning. Along with window cleaning, our company becomes involved in many other types of cleaning such as rain gutter cleaning, roof cleaning, concrete cleaning, and oil removal.

We use pressure washers all the time. Just think! With the new extension poles, we can clean heights 40 or 50 feet high and even higher! What about the water fed poles and de-ionized water? With some of the new poles, you can reach heights you only dreamed of attaining.

The pressure washing equipment is continually being improved as well.

Using the new heat or diesel pressure washers and surface cleaners, it is now easy to clean even oil, tar, and gum.

Well, I guess I am excited to say I am learning more everyday. Oh well, that?s enough for now.

Window Cleaning Tips and Tools From a Window Cleaner - #13

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