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The copyright cartel's plot to indoctrinate California kindergartens | Dan Gillmor

Pupils in a classroom

Hands up who knows about 'fair use'. Photograph: Bloomberg/Getty Images

In kindergarten, we teach children to share. By second grade ? if people who bring you songs and pixie dust have their way ? we'll amend that in a major way.

Hollywood and the recording industry (aka the Copyright Cartel) are leading the charge to create grade school lessons that ? at least, in their draft form, as published by Wired ? have a no-compromise message: if someone else created it, you need permission to use it.

Sounds wonderful, until you think about how creativity actually works. And never mind that the law, already tipped in favor of copyright holders, doesn't hold such an absolutist position.

It's no surprise to learn that America's biggest internet service providers ? let's call them the Telecom Cartel, since that's what they've become ? are part of this propaganda scheme. It's sad to learn, however, that the California School Library Association has climbed aboard; the organization helped produce the lessons that, thankfully, are still only in draft form. But they are likely to reach California classrooms later this school year and, presumably, other parts of the nation later on.

Wired obtained some of the draft lesson plans. They're amazing (and not in a complimentary way). The lesson aimed at second graders (pdf), for example, winds up this way:

We are all creators at some level. We hope others will respect our work and follow what we decide to allow with our photos, art, movies, etc. And we 'play fair' with their work too. We are careful to acknowledge the work of authors and creators and respect their ownership. We recognize that it's hard work to produce something, and we want to get paid for our work.

We're definitely all becoming creators, and we do want others to respect our work. But in the real world, and under the law, we can't make all the decisions about what uses we allow of that work. There's a concept called "fair use" ? deliberately ignored in the lesson, on the absurd basis that kids can't understand it ? that explicitly allows others to make use of our work in ways we don't like, or anticipate. Without fair use, creative works would be next to impossible, because we all build on the work of those who came before us.

Needless to say, this lesson and others made public ? including grades one (pdf), five (pdf), and six (pdf) ? have sparked a bit of an uproar outside the cartel's orbit. As the Electronic Frontier Foundation's Mitch Stoltz told Wired:

[The material] suggests, falsely, that ideas are property and that building on others' ideas always requires permission. The overriding message of this curriculum is that students' time should be consumed not in creating but in worrying about their impact on corporate profits.

What should schools actually be teaching? Happily, there are alternatives honoring copyright, which is important, but that also honor tradition, law and the greater culture.

Creative Commons' Jane Park has compiled an excellent listing of resources that educators can use to teach about copyright. I'm especially partial to the EFF's Teaching Copyright, which I've recommended to students of all ages, including some college students.

The California School Library Association should never have let itself become a handmaiden to commercial Hollywood. Perhaps, its leaders will realize that they are undermining the crucial role libraries have played in our society when they assist the copyright absolutists' agenda ? because if libraries were invented today, the cartel would declare them to be both illegal and immoral.

I take some solace in a quote of the association's vice president, Glenn Warren, in the Wired story. Confronted with the inaccuracy and imbalance of the lessons, he acknowledged:

We've got some editing to do.


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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Greece's neo-Nazi party MPs face possible charges

Athens (AFP) - The head of Greece's neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party and four fellow lawmakers were facing charges of belonging to a criminal organisation Sunday, as police arrested a sixth deputy from the far-right group.

Party founder Nikos Michaloliakos and four other Golden Dawn members of parliament were held overnight after they were arrested in dawn raids Saturday amid high tensions in Greece following the murder of a leftist musician allegedly stabbed to death by a party activist.

Police said a sixth lawmaker, Christos Papas, a close aide to the party leader, turned himself in to police headquarters in Athens on Sunday. His arrest brings to 21 the number of people detained in the police crackdown on suspected neo-Nazis.

The suspects, who remain in detention, will go before judges on Tuesday and Wednesday, who will ultimately decide on whether to press charges, a judicial source said.

The Golden Dawn party members are under judicial investigation facing likely charges of belonging to a criminal organisation, a court source said. Michaloliakos faces an additional charge of leading a criminal group.

The arrests came after Golden Dawn threatened to pull its lawmakers out of parliament, a move that could trigger a political crisis in the recession-hit country.

The serious nature of the case could lead to discussion in parliament to strip the deputies of their parliamentary immunity.

Golden Dawn was under mounting pressure after a self-confessed neo-Nazi was arrested over the fatal stabbing of popular hip-hop musician Pavlos Fyssas, 34, on September 18, a killing that sparked nationwide protests.

The police sweep came after Greece's supreme court, which has been charged with investigating the far-right group, issued arrest warrants for some 30 people, including two policemen suspected of neo-Nazi links.

It also came as Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras heads to Washington for meetings Tuesday with key creditor the International Monetary Fund.

"This is not just a message for internal use, to show that it puts a halt to violence, this is a message directed outwards, to Europe and others," said political analyst Ilias Nikolakopoulos.

Michaloliakos, who founded Golden Dawn in 1980, has threatened to pull the group's 18 deputies out of parliament, a move that would prompt by-elections in 15 regions around the country.

By-elections could hurt Samaras's coalition government, which has a slim majority of 155 MPs, and could cast into doubt Greece's ability to fulfil its obligations to creditors on multi-billion-euro (dollar) bailouts.

Formerly on the fringe of Greek politics, Golden Dawn rocketed to popularity by tapping into widespread anger over unpopular reforms in a country that is currently slogging through its sixth year of recession as well as anti-immigrant sentiments.

The party, whose leader has denied the Holocaust, has sent black-clad squads to smash market stalls owned by migrants, held torch-lit rallies lambasting political opponents as "traitors" and "thieves", and organised food donations exclusively for ethnic Greeks.

It has also been blamed for a series of brutal attacks on migrants and political opponents, though it strenuously denies any responsibility and claims to be the victim of slander.

A new poll published in the weekly Real News showed support for Golden Dawn has fallen to 6.8 percent among potential voters from 9.1 percent in June, the survey conducted from Tuesday to Thursday -- before the arrests -- showed.


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Pasta maker fights boycott call over anti-gay remarks

Rome (AFP) - Pasta maker Barilla fought boycott calls on Friday after its CEO said he would never feature gay couples in commercials, prompting renewed calls for 1950s-style Italian television ads to get with the times.

The leading pasta company in Italy and a major exporter worldwide with a turnover last year of 3.9 billion euros ($5.3 billion), Barilla has taken to social media to say sorry following a major backlash.

"While we can't undo recent remarks, we can apologize. To all our friends, family, employees and partners that we have hurt or offended, we are deeply sorry," the family-owned company said on its US Facebook page.

One commenter responded: "I'm Italian, I'm gay, I'm married legally to a man, I have three adopted children. I had Barilla pasta for dinner last night. Today, tomorrow and forever more I will choose another brand of pasta. Good bye Barilla! You lose!"

The scandal began with a radio interview by chief executive Guido Barilla on Wednesday in which he said that their target customers were "a classic family".

"We have a slightly different culture. For us the concept of a canonical family remains one of the fundamental values of the business," he said.

Asked if he would ever consider including a gay couple in one of his television commercials, he said: "We would not do it because ours is a traditional family".

"If (gay people) like our pasta and our communication, they can eat it. If they do not like it, if they do not like what we say, they can eat a different one."

The comments provoked scorn and derision on social media, with many critics playing on the company's slogan: "Where there is Barilla, there is a home".

One spoof commercial seen on Twitter read: "Where there is Barilla, there is homophobia". Another said: "Where there is my home, there is no Barilla".

Guido Barilla stressed that he was personally not homophobic and was in favour of gay marriage but he made a distinction with what the company was willing to include in its television commercials.

The comments threw a spotlight on an Italian adland inhabited by smiling housewives, large broods of children and husbands whose only role in the kitchen appears to be to taste the food and sit down to eat, which critics say is now hopelessly outdated.

"We have to overcome stereotypes," Italy's speaker of parliament Laura Boldrini said at a conference earlier in the week before the Barilla scandal exploded.

"I am thinking of certain ads in Italy in which the father and children are sitting at the table while the mother is standing and serving everyone," she said.

The images no longer reflect Italian realities -- where the number of housewives is decreasing and where a growing number of men are stay-at-home fathers.

More and more gay and lesbian couples are also choosing to live together, even though their unions are not officially recognised under Italian law.

The days when eager visitors would queue up to see the Mulino Bianco, a white windmill in Tuscany that was chosen as a symbol for a famous brand of biscuits also owned by Barilla, are apparently over.

"The parade of women busying themselves with pots and pans, serving and looking after their husbands and children in ads, do they mirror Italian society?" asked Annamaria Testa, an advertising expert.

"Are we really sure they sell more?" she said.

Speaking at a conference of the Italian advertising association UPA earlier this year, Testa said that employing stereotypes was "a dangerous trap".

"Let's finally be truthful!" she said.


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Saturday, September 28, 2013

Calipari joins 2013 ?Twitter 100? list

Staff Report

Joining the likes of LeBron James, Tony Hawk and Shaquille O?Neal is UK head basketball coach John Calipari in Sports Illustrated?s third annual ?Twitter 100.?

Sports Illustrated voted Calipari as part of its annual list of the top 100 Twitter accounts in sports.

To decide who made the list, Sports Illustrated polled more than 50 of their writers and editors ?who are hard-core Twitter users,? according to Sports

Staffers were asked which accounts they considered essential for finding sports information, news and entertainment, and out of the thousands of accounts, Calipari made the cut.

There were only four coaches to make the list. Calipari was the only college basketball coach to make the ?Twitter 100.?

Calipari uses his account as an outlet to connect with fans worldwide.

Under the official Twitter handle @UKCoachCalipari, Calipari has written more than 7,100 tweets and has more than 1.2 million followers.


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Watch live: Obama statement on gov't shutdown fight

With Washington in the grips of government shutdown fever, President Barack Obama will make a 3:30 p.m. ET statement in the White House briefing room, his press office announced.

The president's remarks will come after the Senate approved legislation to fund the government through Nov. 15, then stripped out a House Republican measure to defund his overhaul of U.S. health care, a law popularly known as Obamacare.

The measure now heads to the House, where the Republican majority is divided on the path forward. Congress must approve a spending bill by Tuesday or face a government shutdown that experts warn will rattle the shaky economy.

Obama has repeatedly and categorically rejected Republican demands that he roll back Obamacare in return for averting a government shutdown.


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Google Glass Prepares for a Tour of America

Not surprisingly, Google continues to clamor about the worth of its latest and greatest pet project, the Glass augmented reality headset. The latest piece of news is this: the device is beginning a tour of the United States.

Google said so on Google+. The Glass will start a long road trip, allowing everyone to get their hands on one if they happen to live in the cities that are part of the tour.

Sadly, Google didn't actually reveal the full list of settlements yet. It only mentioned Durham, North Carolina, as the starting point.

Fortunately, the country-wide tour will begin on October 5, 2013, which isn't so far away, so the other cities are bound to be published over the next week.

The tour is part of North Carolina's science-focused Research Triangle and marks another step in Google Glass's slow trek towards mass availability.

For those that want a rundown of the product features, Google Glass is an augmented reality eye set, or headset.

What that means is that the small screen held in front of the right eye (by a sleek frame) will bring up video chat windows, show messages, display information about whatever you happen to be looking at, etc.

All this will be possible just with voice commands (as long as you say ?OK Glass? first), although there is lots of hardware besides the small screen.

After all, voice mails and web chats can only work if both a microphone and speaker are present. Sure enough, Google put them in.

Also, a very small camera sensor is included, right above the so-called ?monocle.? Face recognition, object matching to web resources, video recording, all of these are possible.

Google will only push Glass into mass availability at some point in 2014. Some people have already received it though, as part of an early pilot program, and this new tour will increase the number of early owners too. It's a way to gauge marketing interest, in a way.


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Stem Cells Could Lead to Better Breasts After Reconstructive Surgery

Seeding fat grafts with stem cells could improve reconstructive surgery results.

Plastic surgeons know that when it comes to rebuilding tissues or organs, it?s best to use a graft that?s as close to the tissue that?s being replaced as possible. So fat cells,? for example, make the best foundation for reconstructing breast tissue, and in recent years surgeons have relied on harvesting fat from the abdomen of breast cancer patients, processing and re-injecting these cells to build new breast tissue in a technique known as lipofilling.

But tissue doesn?t always take to its new home readily; anywhere from 25% to 80% of grafts don?t survive. So in research published in the journal, The Lancet,?Dr. Stig-Frederick Trojahan Koelle, in the department of plastic surgery, breast surgery and burns at Copenhagen University Hospital and his colleagues exploited advances in stem cell science to improve those odds.

MORE: Stem Cell Miracle? New Therapies May Cure Chronic Conditions like Alzheimer?s

Koelle and his team enhanced a bolus fat tissue with stem cells before transplanting them in a group of healthy volunteers, and compared these grafts to those containing adipose cells alone. Stem cells are the founder cells from which tissues like fat develop. Like bone marrow, which is saturated with stem cells that can re-populate all of the cells in blood and immune systems, other tissues in the body, such as fat and skin, are constantly regenerated by stem cells pre-programmed to produce more of those cells. Animal studies showed that adding fat stem cells to an adipose graft could seed new populations of fat cells that were longer lived than already developed adipose tissue that was injected.

Koelle found similar results in his first head-to-head comparison of stem cell enriched and non-enriched formulas. In a group of ten healthy patients who agreed to undergo liposuction to remove fat tissue and get re-injected with these cells, Koelle found that after four months, the grafts of those who received the stem cell-enhanced fat were 64% larger than those who were injected with the fat cells alone.

MORE: Early Success in a Human Embryonic Stem Cell Trial to Treat Blindness

?If we create a reliable and reproducible procedure, I think it will be a great leap forward to broaden the applications for lipofilling,? he says.

The stem cells that Koelle used are naturally found in the adipose tissue matrix ? it?s just a matter of isolating them from the rest of the fat cells. That?s a relatively easy task, thanks to advances in stem cell science that allow researchers to fish out stem cells using molecular hooks that capture this versatile population of cells. The challenge lies in nurturing those cells to grow in robust enough numbers to seed a graft that could reconstruct an entire breast. ?Not every hospital has the culturing facilities to grow the stem cells,? he says. ?But I believe that in the near future, with the way that research is going, many more departments will have that ability.?

MORE: Scientists Report First Success in Cloning Human Stem Cells

That?s why he is encouraged that using fat stem cells could dramatically improve reconstructive surgery options. The latest results showed that it?s possible that stem cells included in grafts continued to pump out more fat cells even as the transplanted ones died off. And as these newborn cells grew, they also released the growth factors and blood vessels required to feed their metabolic needs and help them to survive and thrive. For patients undergoing disfiguring operations or trauma, that could make all the difference for a realistic, successful reconstruction.


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Friday, September 27, 2013

NYSE began wooing Twitter 2 yrs. ago to gain IPO assignment

Washington, Sept. 27 (ANI): The New York Stock Exchange reportedly began wooing Twitter nearly two years ago, for the microblogging site's coveted IPO listing assignment.

The NYSE has been paying for sponsored tweets in order to build its brand and those of its publicly listed clients since November 2011.

An NYSE spokesman said that the exchange has had a positive experience as one of the thousands of companies using Twitter, the New York Post reports.

According to the report, forming alignment with Twitter may give the NYSE an edge over rival Nasdaq who handled the glitch-filled Facebook IPO in May 2012.

The NYSE also has an edge over Nasdaq over the number of followers as it has 370,000 followers versus 234,000 for Nasdaq, including two different accounts.

It is speculated that the NYSE will get Twitter's assignment as the microblogging site tries to avoid the fate of Facebook.

The report added that NYSE gained a whopping 81,000 Twitter followers in the week leading up to Twitter's announcement it had filed for an IPO. (ANI)


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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Hopefully this?ll last longer than Iran?s short-lived web freedom. #Facebook is open in China?s free-trade zone

Hopefully this?ll last longer than Iran?s short-lived web freedom. #Facebook is open in China?s free-trade zone

Posted on September 24, 2013 at 08:45PM, by @tbgdigital

This entry was posted in Twitter and tagged Twitter on by admin.


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Egyptian Dog Mummy Infested with Bloodsucking Parasites

A?dog?mummy?has revealed the first archaeological evidence of bloodsucking parasites plaguing Fido's ancestors in Egypt during the classical era of Roman rule.

The preserved parasites discovered in the mummified young?dog's right ear and coat include the common brown tick and louse fly ? tiny nuisances that may have carried diseases leading to the puppy's early demise. French archaeologists found the infested dog mummy while studying at the excavation site of El Deir in Egypt, during expeditions in 2010 and 2011.

"Although the presence of parasites, as well as ectoparasite-borne diseases, in ancient times was already suspected from the writings of the major Greek and Latin scholars, these facts were not archaeologically proven until now," said Jean-Bernard Huchet, an archaeoentomologist at the National Museum of Natural History in Paris. [ ]

Mentions of dog pests appear in the writings of ancient Greeks and Romans such as Homer, and Pliny the Elder, and a painting of a hyenalike animal in an ancient Egyptian tomb dated to the 15th century B.C. shows what is likely the oldest known depiction of ticks. But evidence of ticks, flies and other ectoparasites that infest the outside of the body has been scarce in the archaeological record ? until now. (The only other known archaeological evidence of ticks comes from in Arizona.)

Counting the bloodsuckers

The infested dog mummy was discovered in one of many tombs surrounding a Roman fortress built in the late third century A.D. Most of the main tombs were built during a period dating from the fourth century B.C. to the fourth century A.D. ? a treasure trove for archaeologists, despite the condition of many of the mummies. The French team detailed its findings in the August online issue of the International Journal of Paleopathology.

Huchet and his colleagues, led by Fran?oise Dunand and Roger Lichtenberg of the University of Strasbourg in France, found the remains of the parasite-ridden pup among more than 400 dog mummies.?

"Among the hundreds of studied, [many] of them were either skeletonized or still wrapped with bandages," Huchet told LiveScience. "Moreover, most of the dog remains were seriously damaged by looters."

The infested young pup stood out with 61 preserved brown dog ticks still clinging to its coat and nestled in its left ear. Such ticks have spread worldwide by feeding on . They can also infect their hosts with a variety of potentially fatal diseases.

Archaeologists also discovered a single bloodsucking louse fly clinging firmly to the dog's coat. But the team hypothesizes a tick-borne disease such as canine babesiosis ? a condition that destroys red blood cells ? likely caused the young dog's premature death.

Origins of dog mummies

Hardened skin remains of maturing fly larvae suggested the dying or dead dog had attracted two species of carrion flies before Egyptian handlers mummified the corpse. [ ]

Ancient Egyptians commonly mummified animals such as dogs, cats and long-legged wading birds called ibis. The dog mummies from the El Deir site almost certainly represented offerings to such as Anubis or Wepwawet.

"Several reasons have led Egyptians to mummify animals: to eat in the afterlife, to be with pets, etc.," said Cecile Callou, an archaeozoologist at the National Museum of Natural History in Paris. "But above all, animals were considered as living incarnations of divine principles and, therefore, associated with deities."

But many questions remain about the mummified dogs of El Deir. Researchers still want to know where the dogs came from, whether they were domestic dogs, whether they had owners and how they died. Callou pointed out that the ancient Egyptians had cat farms where and mummified ? could the same have been true for dogs?

Digging deeper into history

The French archaeologists hope to find answers to a different set of questions by searching for more preserved ticks and flies among the mummified dogs of El Deir. Such archaeological evidence could show how diseases originated throughout history, provide clues about the geographical spread of parasites, and reveal more about the relationship between parasites and both human and animal evolution.

Specialized lab equipment could yield even more findings from the infested dog mummy and its companions. The French team conducted most of its work on-site at El Deir and completed the examination with highly magnified photos at the National Museum of Natural History in Paris but hopes to eventually get permission to take some mummified samples back to the lab.

"The main problem will be to get the authorization to export mummified samples from Egypt for DNA analysis, since this country does not allow any exportation of archaeological material ? even tiny samples such as skin fragments and hairs," Huchet said.

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Trend Micro Titanium Internet Security 2014

By Neil J. Rubenking

There's a trend among some security vendors to enhance their entry-level antivirus product with features more commonly found in a security suite. Of course, doing so raises the bar for the company's actual security suite. Trend Micro Titanium Internet Security 2014 ($59.95 direct; $79.95 for three licenses) definitely rises to the challenge. It takes the full range of features found in Trend Micro's standalone antivirus and adds a significant collection of additional security components.

The main window for this suite summarizes your security status with a great big icon, in most cases a green checkmark indicating full protection. If there's anything wrong with your security configuration, you just click a button to fix it. This window also summarizes recent security activity; additional tabs offer access to more security features. Three tabs labeled Privacy, Data, and Family house most of the suite-specific features.

If the product's appearance isn't to your liking, you can replace the main window's background. The product comes with eight widely varied background images, flowers, clouds, stars, and more. Or choose an image of your own to truly personalize the installation.

This suite shares the same antivirus protection found in Trend Micro Titanium Antivirus+ 2014, along with quite a few other security features. You'll definitely want to read that review for full details. I'll summarize my evaluation of the shared features here.

Better Defense than Cleanup
Getting Trend Micro installed on twelve test systems for malware removal testing took hours of back-and-forth with tech support, including quite a bit of remote control diagnosis and repair. Trend Micro earned two stars for installation experience and 5.8 points for malware removal. The best scores among products tested with my current malware collection went to Bitdefender Internet Security (2014), AVG Internet Security 2014, and Norton Internet Security (2014). For a full explanation of how I test malware removal, see How We Test Malware Removal.

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With 94 percent detection and 9.2 points, Trend Micro fared much better in my malware blocking test. Only AVG and Ad-Aware Pro Security 10.5 scored better against the same malware collection. Trend Micro also did a great job blocking access to malware-hosting websites. To learn just what goes into this test, please see How We Test Malware Blocking.

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Like Symantec, Trend Micro downplays the value of old-fashioned static malware detection tests and praises dynamic, real-world tests. Trend Micro's technology took the highest rating in the whole-product dynamic test by AV-Comparatives, and it also did well in AV-Test's three-way certification test. To learn more about the testing labs summarized in the chart below, please read How We Interpret Antivirus Lab Tests.

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States See No Rush to Buy Health Insurance Next Week ...

Next Tuesday marks the first time uninsured people can buy health insurance using new online marketplaces under the health-care law, but state officials don?t expect many buyers next week.

?We really anticipate very few people going through the enrollment process in October,? said Peter Lee, executive director of Covered California, the state?s health insurance marketplace.

During a press conference with reporters, Mr. Lee joked that he expected two people to complete the signup process next Tuesday.

?Oct. 1 is just a start and it?s not a magical date,? said Heather Howard, a project director at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, which organized the press conference. ?Our lesson from Massachusetts (which opened a health insurance marketplace in 2006) is that people are very cautious. It?s not like buying a pair of shoes on Zappos.?

Uninsured Americans are far more likely to visit state or federal websites to check out insurance plan options and see what sort of federal subsidies they might qualify for rather than actually complete the buying process, said state officials who are running health marketplaces.

?I expect we?ll have far more people enrolling in November and December and hopefully even more than that in January and February,? said Christine Ferguson, director of the Rhode Island Health Benefits Exchange.?I?ve told people they don?t have to sign up on the first day.?

Open enrollment for health insurance through the online marketplaces begins Oct. 1 and ends March 31. State and federal officials expect more of a rush to purchase insurance in early December since the deadline to purchase insurance in order to be covered on Jan. 1 is Dec. 15. The federal marketplace website is

Fourteen states are running their own marketplaces while the rest are relying on the federal government to run either some or all of their health insurance exchanges. Some states, including California, have already released details about rates and plans that will be offered by insurers this fall. The federal government hasn?t released any details yet about rates in the 36 states it?s responsive for, although that information is expected to be released soon.

Officials from California, Rhode Island and Maryland say their online marketplaces will be ready next week for consumers to look at rates or buy insurance. But they acknowledge they?re working overtime this week to make sure everything is ready ? and they don?t expect things to go completely smoothly.

?Everyone is working 24/7,? said Ferguson. ?It?s all good. But good means that there will be glitches. But we?ll fix them.?

In Oregon, state officials have already said their online marketplace won?t be ready for consumers to purchase insurance on Oct. 1. Consumers can buy insurance on the site via insurance brokers until the site is ready.


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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Israel bleak about US-Iran rapprochement at UN summit

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM: Israel voiced concern on Tuesday over a potential meeting of the U.S. and Iranian presidents, saying Tehran sought reconciliation with world powers as a ruse to press on with its nuclear programme.

Iran's new government has taken its charm offensive to the annual U.N. General Assembly, agreeing to international nuclear negotiations that would include its foreign minister seeing U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry.

U.S. officials also said a meeting was possible this week between President Barack Obama and Iranian counterpart Hassan Rouhani - a landmark after more than three decades of hostility.

Israel sees a mortal menace in an Iranian bomb it says could be months away from production and says may now be expedited should world powers back off sanctions and readiness for a war of last-resort against Tehran.

Iran has rejected several U.N. Security Council resolutions aimed at curbing its nuclear projects with bomb-making potential, insisting the programme is entirely peaceful. It has also tried to shift scrutiny to Israel's assumed atomic arsenal.

Asked if there would be an Obama-Rouhani handshake, Yuval Steinitz, the cabinet minister representing Israel at the U.N. forum in New York, said: "I hope not. I don't know."

"But really the important thing is not just words and appearances. The important thing is the actions. The important thing is the resolutions," Steinitz told Israel's Army Radio.

"And I really hope that the whole world, and chiefly among them the United States, will say, 'Okay, it's nice to hear the smiles, the new rhetoric, but as long as you don't change the conduct, and as long as you don't make a real concession in the nuclear project, the economic sanctions will continue and if there is need, will be joined by a military threat as well'."

In contrast to confrontational former President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Rouhani favours restrained outreach, saying on Monday he would "present the true face of Iran as a cultured and peace-loving country" at the United Nations.

Rouhani and Obama were scheduled to deliver speeches to the General Assembly on Tuesday.

Washington says it remains determined to deny the Iranians the means to make nuclear arms but its willingness to engage them directly complicates strategy for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who will address the world forum on Oct. 1.

The day before, Netanyahu is scheduled to meet Obama at the White House for discussions on Iran that Israeli officials say will affect the content and tone of his U.N. speech.

At last year's speech, Netanyahu set a "red line" that he said would trigger Israeli military strikes on Iranian nuclear sites, drawing it across a cartoonish bomb representing the pace and scale of the Islamic Republic's uranium enrichment.

This time around, some Israeli officials predict, he will opt for a more sober message, with facts trumping rhetoric. As Iran has kept its uranium enrichment below the Israeli threshold, they said, he will note it has also made progress on another track that could yield bomb-grade plutonium.

Steinitz said last week that Iran, on its current course, could make a nuclear weapon in six months. "There is no more time" for nuclear negotiations, he told the Israel Hayom daily.

But with a new round of such talks in the works, Steinitz reaffirmed Israel's position that it would support a diplomatic solution that truly halted Iran's nuclear programme. He described this as unlikely, saying Rouhani brought a deceptive change of style but not substance to Iranian policymaking.

"We are certainly warning the entire international community that Iran may want an agreement, but it is liable to be the Munich agreement," Steinitz said, referring to the 1938 appeasement of Nazi Germany.

"Rouhani wants to hoodwink, and some in the world want to be hoodwinked, and the role of little Israel is to explain the truth and to stand in the breach. And that is what we are doing to the best of our abilities. It is a long struggle."


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Male Dallas Zoo gorilla to get therapy for sexist attitude

By Marice Richter

DALLAS (Reuters) - A gregarious male gorilla at the Dallas Zoo will be sent to South Carolina for therapy after he bit one female gorilla and sneered at others, zoo officials said on Monday.

Patrick, a 430-pound (195-kg) Western lowland gorilla, will be moving to the Riverbanks Zoo and Gardens in Columbia, South Carolina, where he will live the bachelor life in his own digs.

The South Carolina zoo is known for working with gorillas with behavior problems.

Dallas Zoo officials said Patrick gets along fine with humans but not with other gorillas.

They said they have tried repeatedly to socialize him with the other gorillas, particularly the females, in the hopes that he might get along and even breed. Instead, he bit one female and sneered and nipped at others.

"It's not like we haven't tried, he's been here for 18 years" said Laurie Holloway, a spokeswoman for the Dallas Zoo.

Patrick was more tolerant of other male gorillas but seemed only to engage with Jabari, who was shot to death by Dallas police after he escaped in 2004 and injured three people.

Because of his cranky behavior, Patrick has been kept in his own habitat separate from the other gorillas. The Dallas Zoo needs to reclaim Patrick's space because it recently acquired two new males from the Calgary Zoo, including Zola, a break-dancing gorilla who stars in a video that has gone viral on the Internet.

John Davis, curator of mammals at the Riverbanks Zoo, said that initially Patrick will be separated from the zoo's three other gorillas, all males, but will be able to see and smell them.

Eventually Patrick will be introduced to the guys and zoo officials aren't ruling out the possibility that they can live together in a spacious, wooded bachelor pad, Davis said.

Born at the Bronx Zoo in 1990, Patrick was abandoned by his mother and then transferred to the Toronto Zoo, where he was hand-raised along with another male about the same age. At age 5, he was transferred to Dallas, zoo officials said.

Because of his rearing, Patrick gets along well with people and is a popular favorite among visitors and zookeepers at the Dallas Zoo, Holloway said.

"He's beautiful and smart and everyone loves him," Holloway said. "We're really sad to see him go but it's for the best for the zoo and for Patrick."

(Reporting by Marice Richter; Editing by Greg McCune and Sandra Maler)


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Iran's president reaches West before heading to UN

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) ? On the eve of a landmark trip to attend the U.N. General Assembly, Iran's president offered Sunday his most expansive vision that a deal to settle the impasse over Tehran's nuclear program could open doors for greater cooperation on regional flash points such as the Syrian civil war.

The linkage of Middle East affairs and broad-stroke rhetoric by Hasan Rouhani served as something of a final sales pitch to President Barack Obama ahead of the U.N. gathering, where Rouhani hopes to garner pledges from Western envoys to restart stalled nuclear negotiations as a way to ease painful economic sanctions.

Rouhani also must try to sell his policies of outreach to skeptical Iranian hard-liners, including the powerful Revolutionary Guard. Failure to return from New York with some progress ? either pledges to revive nuclear talks or hints that the U.S. and its allies may consider relaxing sanctions ? could increase pressures on Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei to withdraw his apparent backing for Rouhani's overtures with Washington.

It adds up to a high-stakes week ahead for Rouhani in his first gathering with Western leaders since his inauguration last month.

While his effort to open new diplomatic space is genuine, it's still unclear where it could find footholds. Obama has exchanged letters with Rouhani and says he would welcome groundbreaking direct talks after a nearly 35-year diplomatic estrangement. But Washington previously has rejected offering a significant rollback in sanctions ? Rouhani's main goal ? as a way to push ahead nuclear talks.

Rouhani and Obama are scheduled to speak within hours of each other Tuesday at the General Assembly's annual meeting, setting up the possibility of the first face-to-face exchange between American and Iranian leaders since shortly after Iran's 1979 Islamic Revolution.

"The Iranian nation is ready to talk and negotiate with the West, provided that there are no preconditions, the talks are on equal terms and there is mutual respect. (The West) should not consider only its own interests. Mutual interests should be considered," Rouhani said at a military parade for the 33rd anniversary of Iraq's 1980 invasion of Iran, which set off a ruinous eight-year war. The speech was carried live by state TV.

He added that if Western countries acknowledge Iran's "rights" ? a reference that includes the contentious issue of uranium enrichment ? it would be a path toward mutual "cooperation, logic, peace and friendship."

"Then we will be able to resolve regional, even global, problems," Rouhani said.

Iran and the United States are at odds over the civil war in Syria. Tehran backs President Bashar Assad, while Washington supports rebels trying to oust him. Iran also is the patron for anti-Israel forces led by Lebanon's Hezbollah.

Still, Iran has faced a potential quandary over Western claims that Assad's forces used chemical weapons in an attack last month. Iran has strongly opposed chemical arms since suffering attacks with mustard gas and other agents by Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein's military in the 1980s.

Rouhani has worked hard to recast Iran's international image after eight years under his combative predecessor, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. But the new Iranian leader has not strayed from Tehran's unshakable position: Its right to conduct nuclear activities that the West fears could be a step toward weapons development, especially uranium enrichment. Iran says its program is peaceful, intended for purposes including research and cancer treatment, and enrichment is necessary for the fueling of reactors.

"Iran has joined all treaties, including the non-proliferation treaty, or NPT, and it is loyal to it," Rouhani said.

Khamenei, who issued a religious decree nearly a decade ago declaring nuclear weapons contrary to Islamic values, seems to have given critical support to Rouhani ? a backing withheld from Ahmadinejad after fierce internal political feuds. This potentially gives Rouhani's government more room to offer proposals to the six-nation negotiating group, the permanent U.N. Security Council members plus Germany.

In a significant step, Khamenei last week suggested it was a moment for Iran to exercise "heroic flexibility" in diplomacy, while not giving important ground to its foes.

But some hard-line groups have warned Rouhani not to misinterpret Khamenei's comment as a mandate to restore ties with the West at any cost.

"Based on historical experience, it's wise and necessary to have skeptical monitoring of the behavior of the White House," said the statement Saturday from the Revolutionary Guard, whose missile arsenal was on display in the military parade, including the surface-to-surface Sajjil capable of reaching Israel and U.S. bases in the region.

Also Saturday, the Guard's acting commander, Gen. Hossein Salami, said there was no "flexibility" in protecting Iran's ability to have "peaceful nuclear energy," according to the semiofficial Fars news agency.

Rouhani also insisted the U.S. foreswear a military strike against Iran's nuclear program as a way to move ahead nuclear talks. It's unlikely, though, that Washington would make such a declaration, which would risk strong backlash from its key ally, Israel.

"No nation will accept war and diplomacy on (the same) table," the Iranian leader said.

Rouhani did not mention Israel by name at the military event, but the reference was clear.

"A regime is a threat for the region that has trampled all international treaties regarding weapons of mass destruction," he said, noting Israel's undeclared but widely presumed nuclear arsenal.

Shorter-range missiles in the parade included the Fajr-5, which Palestinian groups have used against Israeli targets in attacks from Hamas-controlled Gaza.


Murphy reported from Dubai, United Arab Emirates.


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Infant bed-sharing tied to longer breastfeeding

By Genevra Pittman

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Sharing the bed with baby may make it easier for mothers to breastfeed for the full time that health experts recommend, suggests a new study.

But it could also raise the baby's risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), researchers caution.

"My bottom line," said study author Dr. Fern Hauck from the University of Virginia School of Medicine in Charlottesville, "is that yes, we now see with more evidence that breastfeeding is supported by bed-sharing, however we don't recommend it, because the risk of SIDS and sudden death is still there."

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that infants be put to sleep close to their parents - such as in a crib in the same room - though not in the same bed, to reduce the risk of SIDS. About 2,500 babies die from SIDS each year in the United States.

But low rates of breastfeeding are also recognized as a problem in the U.S.

The World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding until a baby is six months old, and that mothers continue breastfeeding with the addition of solid foods through age two.

Only one in six U.S. babies is breastfed exclusively for six months, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

For their report, Hauck and her colleagues looked at data from a large infant feeding study and they focused on about 1,800 mothers who were breastfeeding when their baby was two weeks old.

Women were surveyed 10 times during their infant's first year, including about whether and when they had stopped breastfeeding. They also reported on whether they were sharing a bed with their baby at seven different time points during the study.

About 42 percent of the new mothers were bed-sharing at two weeks and 27 percent were still doing so at one year.

Among all women, the average duration of any amount of breastfeeding was about seven months. Breastfeeding exclusively lasted just under 10 weeks on average.

The more surveys in which women said they were bed-sharing, the longer those women tended to breastfeed, the researchers reported Monday in JAMA Pediatrics.

Of the women who frequently shared the bed with their infants, more than half were still breastfeeding at the end of the year-long study period.

In contrast, among the women who reported never sleeping with their baby, just half were breastfeeding at all at 30 weeks.

"You can understand this in terms of convenience for moms," Hauck told Reuters Health. "The baby is lying in bed with them, they don't have to get up and get the baby in and out of the crib or bassinet."

However, women in the study were disproportionately white and well-off and all the babies were born healthy, the team points out in their report, so the findings may not apply to mothers of infants with health problems, for instance.

Pete Blair, who studies SIDS at the University of Bristol in the UK, said studies suggest bed-sharing is hazardous in particular situations - such as when parents have been recently drinking alcohol, are smokers or sleep with their infant on a sofa.

In the UK, "bed-sharing is acknowledged as a common infant care practice and the specific circumstances that put infants at risk are highlighted," Blair, who wasn't involved in the new research, told Reuters Health in an email.

"I think it is important we don't demonize the parental bed but nor do I think we should be promoting bed-sharing for the sake of it."

"There's definitely not full agreement out there among researchers," Hauck said. "We want to be cautious, and not encourage a behavior which could potentially increase the risk of death."

Dr. Debra Weese-Mayer, chief of the Center for Autonomic Medicine in Pediatrics at Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago, told Reuters Health she worries that in light of the new study, parents may forget the success of the so-called Back to Sleep Campaign, now called Safe to Sleep.

The nationwide program, launched in 1994, is credited with a 50 percent drop in SIDS deaths.

"The logical decision is to breast feed and have the baby sleep in the same room with the parent - but on a safe sleep surface and NOT in the same bed," Weese-Mayer, also a professor of pediatrics at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, added in an email.

SOURCE: JAMA Pediatrics, online September 23, 2013.


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Monday, September 23, 2013

Analyst: Obama Will Raise The Debt Ceiling On His Own And Worry About The Legal Consequences Later

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REUTERS/ Yuri Gripas

In the summer of 2011, some Democrats urged President Obama to simply raise the debt ceiling himself if Republicans refused to pass legislation.

There was the "trillion dollar coin" idea, wherein the government mints itself out of trouble via an arcane bullion law.

Then there was the 14th Amendment option. Here, the president would have to take a modern interpretation on the Civil War-era amendment about the "validity of the public debt of the United States," and surely face legal action.

Now, as?the two parties gear up for another debt ceiling bout, Greg Valliere at Potomac Research thinks Obama may be coming around to the idea of acting on his own. Valliere writes to clients:

Obama is not shy about using executive authority, and he surely has heard from Constitutional scholars who believe he has the authority to raise the debt ceiling on his own. (Bill Clinton urged Obama to take this approach in the summer of 2011.) Fearless forecast:?if Treasury is out of money in early November and a default looks possible, Obama will simply raise the debt ceiling. He'll face instant litigation, but that wouldn't be resolved for months.

It seems the president is not willing to negotiate at all for a raise in the debt ceiling, as he made clear to Speaker John Boehner in a phone call last week. We'll see what happens.


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Dental work and Nitrous Oxide - Health, Fitness, and Sports

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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Posts: 3

PostPosted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 2:18 pm?? ?Post subject: Dental work and Nitrous Oxide Reply with quote

I recently had a root canal done, since I grind my teeth when I sleep and cracked a large molar. The dental surgeon who did the procedure used Nitrous Oxide on me. Before the procedure, he told me that I would feel giggly, floaty, very chilled out, and dreamy. He also said that my sense of time would be altered - an hour seeming to go by in mere minutes.

He froze up the area around the tooth and began giving me the gas. He asked me every few minutes whether I felt anything. And I kept saying 'no'. I didn't feel anything. So he kept edging the mixture of Nitrous Oxide up and the Oxygen down, so I was getting more and more Nitrous and less O2. Within about 20 minutes, I was at the highest dose he was able to give, and I still felt the same as always.. maybe a bit calmer, but I certainly wasn't experiencing the floaty, giddy, dreamy thing, and time was passing just the same as I usually perceived it. I felt totally normal and was able to think and communicate just as well as always. For the entire duration of the procedure (a little over an hour), I felt nothing at all from the continual inhalation of the gas.

I was wondering if anyone else had a similar reaction... er.. non-reaction.. to Nitrous Oxide as I did. Does anyone have a theory as to why this happened? It really was strange. The dental surgeon told me he'd never had a patient who could just shrug off such a high dose like it was nothing.

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 3:02 pm?? ?Post subject: Re: Dental work and Nitrous Oxide Reply with quote

Saradraws wrote:
I recently had a root canal done, since I grind my teeth when I sleep and cracked a large molar. The dental surgeon who did the procedure used Nitrous Oxide on me. Before the procedure, he told me that I would feel giggly, floaty, very chilled out, and dreamy. He also said that my sense of time would be altered - an hour seeming to go by in mere minutes.

He froze up the area around the tooth and began giving me the gas. He asked me every few minutes whether I felt anything. And I kept saying 'no'. I didn't feel anything. So he kept edging the mixture of Nitrous Oxide up and the Oxygen down, so I was getting more and more Nitrous and less O2. Within about 20 minutes, I was at the highest dose he was able to give, and I still felt the same as always.. maybe a bit calmer, but I certainly wasn't experiencing the floaty, giddy, dreamy thing, and time was passing just the same as I usually perceived it. I felt totally normal and was able to think and communicate just as well as always. For the entire duration of the procedure (a little over an hour), I felt nothing at all from the continual inhalation of the gas.

I was wondering if anyone else had a similar reaction... er.. non-reaction.. to Nitrous Oxide as I did. Does anyone have a theory as to why this happened? It really was strange. The dental surgeon told me he'd never had a patient who could just shrug off such a high dose like it was nothing.

Actually, I cracked a molar last week, went into the dentist, and had nitrous for the first time. It worked like a charm. Since my problem was unexpected, the dentist had to work me in around her regularly scheduled patients. So, it took about four hours. The nitrous made it seem like minutes, and felt fantastic. I found myself wanting to listen to Pink Floyd and Tangerine Dream even though I was getting some serious dental work done.

I have to wonder whether you were breathing the nitrous in properly. Have you even smoked tobacco or cannabis? In all cases, you must get the smoke or gas into the lungs. If you were by chance breathing through your mouth, it would short-circuit the process, and nothing would happen.

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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 10:09 pm?? ?Post subject: Re: Dental work and Nitrous Oxide Reply with quote

Thelibrarian wrote:
I have to wonder whether you were breathing the nitrous in properly. Have you even smoked tobacco or cannabis? In all cases, you must get the smoke or gas into the lungs. If you were by chance breathing through your mouth, it would short-circuit the process, and nothing would happen.

Good thinking, but the mask used was a nose-only mask, to allow the dentist access to the tooth. I have used pot before.. quite a lot in HS and my early 20's, and that always got me floating!
When I was being given the gas, I consciously tried to make sure I was breathing deeply and using my diaphragm more than my chest. Most people are chest breathers, but I had some vocal training and learned how to use the diaphragm breathing for singing.

When I was a little kid, I had bacterial spinal meningitis and was given an inhalant anaesthetic during the spinal tap. It worked back then, but I have no idea what the gas they used was. I was four, and it was 1979. Could have been any number of different gasses.. on that one, I did feel floaty, disconnected, dreamy, high and trippy.

I react oddly to meds though. Give me codeine, and you may as well give me a sugar pill. Morphine too. It takes a very high dose of strong narcotics to put me into a painless haze. But if you give me anything in the benzodiazepine class, even a quarter of a usual dose, I am comatose for 12+ hours! When I'm on my antidepressants, I take about half a standard adult dose and do well, but if I'm given a full dose, I get way too logy and the side effects hit me very hard. Even Benadryl reacts oddly with me. Half a pill and I'm fine.. sleepy and slow, but fine. A whole one, and I'm pinging off the walls for the next 24 hours. My list of med sensitivities is long and scary. sh** like seizures, anaphylaxis, hallucinations.

Despite not reacting to the nitrous, the root canal procedure was not painful, overly distressing, or at all upsetting. If I ever have to go through it again, I won't worry nearly as much as I did before this one!

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Joined: Aug 06, 2012
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 10:37 pm?? ?Post subject: Re: Dental work and Nitrous Oxide Reply with quote

Saradraws wrote:
Thelibrarian wrote:
I have to wonder whether you were breathing the nitrous in properly. Have you even smoked tobacco or cannabis? In all cases, you must get the smoke or gas into the lungs. If you were by chance breathing through your mouth, it would short-circuit the process, and nothing would happen.

Good thinking, but the mask used was a nose-only mask, to allow the dentist access to the tooth. I have used pot before.. quite a lot in HS and my early 20's, and that always got me floating!
When I was being given the gas, I consciously tried to make sure I was breathing deeply and using my diaphragm more than my chest. Most people are chest breathers, but I had some vocal training and learned how to use the diaphragm breathing for singing.

When I was a little kid, I had bacterial spinal meningitis and was given an inhalant anaesthetic during the spinal tap. It worked back then, but I have no idea what the gas they used was. I was four, and it was 1979. Could have been any number of different gasses.. on that one, I did feel floaty, disconnected, dreamy, high and trippy.

I react oddly to meds though. Give me codeine, and you may as well give me a sugar pill. Morphine too. It takes a very high dose of strong narcotics to put me into a painless haze. But if you give me anything in the benzodiazepine class, even a quarter of a usual dose, I am comatose for 12+ hours! When I'm on my antidepressants, I take about half a standard adult dose and do well, but if I'm given a full dose, I get way too logy and the side effects hit me very hard. Even Benadryl reacts oddly with me. Half a pill and I'm fine.. sleepy and slow, but fine. A whole one, and I'm pinging off the walls for the next 24 hours. My list of med sensitivities is long and scary. sh** like seizures, anaphylaxis, hallucinations.

Despite not reacting to the nitrous, the root canal procedure was not painful, overly distressing, or at all upsetting. If I ever have to go through it again, I won't worry nearly as much as I did before this one!

I understand. I had a brother who died a junkie, yet I really don't like narcotics myself.

Good luck on any further mouth surgeries.

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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Rescuers dig in mud, rain for dead in Mexico slide

LA PINTADA, Mexico (AP) ? Fourteen hours per body.

That's how long rescue crews with shovels, hydraulic equipment, anything they can muster, are averaging to find the victims of a massive landslide that took half the remote coffee-growing village of La Pintada, leaving 68 people missing.

The Mexican army's emergency response and rescue team slogged in pouring rain and several feet of mud with five rescue dogs on Saturday, recovering two women who were buried in the same area near a kindergarten, the second body under more than four feet of dirt. At least two children are believed to be nearby.

Lt. Carlos Alberto Mendoza, commander of the 16-soldier team, said it's the most daunting situation he's seen in 24 years with the Mexican army.

"They are doing unbelievable work, hours and hours for just one body," he told The Associated Press. "No matter how hard the day is, they never get tired of working."

La Pintada was the scene of the single greatest tragedy in destruction wreaked by the twin storms, Manuel and Ingrid, which simultaneously pounded both of Mexico's coasts a week ago, spawning huge floods and landslides across a third of the country. The death toll stands at 101, not counting five federal police who died on a rescue mission Thursday when their Blackhawk helicopter crashed as they were leaving La Pintada. The wreckage wasn't found until Saturday. The toll also excludes the 68 missing.

Interior Secretary Miguel Osorio Chong told Mexican media the death toll could go as high as 200 in the coming days, nearing that of Hurricane Paulina, which hit the same Guerrero state in 1997 and caused one of Mexico's worst storm disasters.

Houses were filled to their roofs with dirt and vehicles were tossed on their sides when the hillside collapsed Monday afternoon after several days of rain brought by Tropical Storm Manuel, which along with Hurricane Ingrid gave Mexico a one-two punch.

"As of today, there is little hope now that we will find anyone alive," President Enrique Pena Nieto said after touring the devastation, adding that the landslide covered at least 40 homes.

Survivors staying at a shelter in Acapulco recounted how a tidal wave of dirt, rocks and trees exploded through the center of town, burying families in their homes and sweeping wooden houses into the bed of the swollen river that winds past the village on its way to the Pacific

The scene by Saturday was desolate, a ghost town. One man remained to care for abandoned goats, pigs and chickens that seemed disoriented as they roamed the rescue site.

When the rains get too hard, the crew has to stop for fear of being buried, too, by another slide, Mendoza said.

By Saturday the team had been on site for 48 hours, he added. They had been ready to go two full days earlier, but bad weather conditions delayed their ability to reach the mountainous area northwest of the resort city of Acapulco.

Pena Nieto told storm survivors that La Pintada would be relocated and rebuilt in a safer location as officials responded to a wave of criticism that negligence and corruption were to blame for the vast devastation caused by two relatively weak storm systems.

"I will come to inaugurate a new La Pintada," he said. "That's a promise I'm making today to this community, which has undergone such a misfortune."

All week in Mexico City, editorials and public commentary said the government had made natural disasters worse because of poor planning, lack of a prevention strategy and corruption.

"Governments aren't responsible for the occurrence of severe weather, but they are for the prevention of the effects," wrote Mexico's nonprofit Center of Investigation for Development in an online editorial criticizing a federal program to improve infrastructure and relocate communities out of dangerous flood zones. "The National Water Program had good intentions but its execution was at best poor."

Guerrero Gov. Angel Aguirre publicly confirmed that corruption and political dealings allowed housing to be built in dangerous areas where permits should have been rejected.

"The responsibility falls on authorities," Osorio Chong said in a press conference earlier in the week. "In some cases (the building) was in irregular zones, but they still gave the authorization."

Both the federal and Guerrero state administrations are new and cited cases in the past, though Osorio Chong said that going forward, he is sure that Aguirre and the mayor of Acapulco will not allow flooded-out victims to return to high-risk areas.

In a meeting with hotel owners in hard-hit Acapulco, Pena Nieto told the city that the reconstruction phase has begun, and that "Acapulco is standing. The government will help address the hoteliers' concerns, he added, including improving the main thoroughfare from Mexico City, the Highway of the Sun, which was closed by slides and damage, cutting off access for days.

The highway reopened Friday, albeit with many detours skirting stretches damaged by flooding and landslides. As of Saturday, all of the thousands of stranded tourists had been able to leave Acapulco.

Pena Nieto said he would visit the northern state of Sinaloa on Sunday, where Manuel hit with hurricane force Thursday morning.

Three people were reported dead in Sinaloa. Flood waters hat reached waist-deep in some places in Culiacan, the Sinaloa state capital, including the city zoo.

The storms affected 24 of Mexico's 31 states and 371 municipalities, which are the equivalent of counties. More than 58,000 people were evacuated, with 43,000 taken to shelters. Nearly 1,000 donation centers have been set up around the country, with nearly 700 tons of aid delivered so far. Nearly 800,000 people lost power across the country, though the Federal Electricity Commission said 94 percent of service had been restored as of Saturday morning.


Associated Press writers Katherine Corcoran in Mexico City and Martin Duran in Culiacan contributed to this report.


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