Thursday, August 16, 2012

Getting Article Writing Services From Offshore Writing Companies ...

If you have spent any time at all working with article writing services, or have done any research about the subject, you will probably be more than aware that the advice most people are giving out is that you should always hire a native English speaking (or whatever language you need your content in speaking) writer or writing team to complete your work. Of course, the teams in India, the Philippines, Romania and other faraway places offering article writing services do offer very attractive rates, and do have the manpower to deliver very quickly. Are there any circumstances at all where you can take up these low cost deals and promises of rapid delivery without risking wasting your money on terrible, unusable work?

Editorial Processes and Quality Control

Some of the better offshore writing companies have very stringent quality control and editorial processes in place. This means that after the articles are written, they are reviewed for grammar and spelling mistakes and word usage. This may not be done by a native English speaker either, however having a second person address the work can often remove some of the issues that come as a result of a non native speaker writing the content. While what comes back may not be the most engaging, brilliantly written content ever, it should still be relatively free of glaring language errors that will distract and annoy anyone reading it. Check the quality control plans of anyone you hire if they are a large team or composed of non native speakers.


Another thing that you should check is what their policy is on revisions. If they are willing to do as many revisions as you need as part of the price then it shows they have reasonable confidence in their abilities, and aren?t spending the vast majority of their time doing endless revisions of bad work for their other clients. If they charge more for revisions, offer an unacceptable time scale to do them, or just refuse them altogether then their service is basically worthless as they can send you any old thing and then try and charge you more to turn it into what you want.

On the whole, if you really want to try a cheap foreign service, checking these things will make sure you are dealing with one that is reputable and concerned with quality rather than one that is purely money orientated.


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