Sunday, September 30, 2012

English 1020-013 Sarah McHenry: RJA 6a: Websites

English 1020-013 Sarah McHenry: RJA 6a: Websites

RJA 6a: Websites

Search Engine
  • Resource searched or tool used: BING
  • Keywords used: public school AND charter AND college AND test scores
  • Search strategies used (including operators and types of searches): AND
  • Date of search: 9/30/12
  • Number of hits: 121,000,000
  • Relevance of hits (on a scale of 1 to 5): 3.5
Meta and Multi Search
  • Resource searched or tool used:
  • Keywords used: college after graduation charter school
  • Search strategies used (including operators and types of searches): none
  • Date of search: 9/30/12
  • Number of hits: 96,200,000
  • Relevance of hits (on a scale of 1 to 5): 4.5
  • Resource searched or tool used: 10 Directories
  • Keywords used: clicked on Reference and Education, then K-12
  • Search strategies used (including operators and types of searches) used links to directories provided
  • Date of search: 9/30/12
  • Number of hits: 0
  • Relevance of hits (on a scale of 1 to 5) 1
Invisible Web
  • Resource searched or tool used: CompletePlanet
  • Keywords used: Charter Schools, Douglas County School Colorado, Education Colorado
  • Search strategies used (including operators and types of searches): none
  • Date of search: 9/30/12
  • Number of hits: 0
  • Relevance of hits (on a scale of 1 to 5): 1


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Does Apple have a Scott Forstall problem? - Apple 2.0 - Fortune Tech

Forstall demoing Apple's new Maps app

FORTUNE -- There's no shortage of embarrassing instances where Apple (AAPL) Maps "fell short" -- as Tim Cook's public apology put it -- but on Friday Canadian reader John Garner pointed me to a particularly striking one.

Jason Matheson, a fellow Canadian with a knack for Mac programming,?ran a quick Xcode script that compared the iPhone 5's map of Ontario with an official list of the province's cities and towns.?Of 2,028 place names, Matheson reports, 400 were correct on Apple's Maps app, 389 were pretty close, 551 were clearly incorrect and 688 weren't on the map at all.

"There's no excuse," Garner writes. "Quality control on Apple Maps had to have been terrible to not get this right.?Bluntly, Scott Forstall should be fired over this mess."

Garner is not alone in pointing the finger at Forstall, the senior vice president for iOS software and the Apple executive --?after Cook --?most often described as an heir apparent to Steve Jobs.

In his current Monday Note,?Jean-Louis Gass?e called the ridicule Apple has suffered these last two weeks largely self-inflicted. Apple usually under promises and over delivers, but according to Gass?e Forstall did just the opposite:

"[Forstall's] demo?was flawless, 2D and 3D maps, turn-by-turn navigation, spectacular flyovers? but not a word from the stage about the app's limitations, no self-deprecating wink, no admission that iOS Maps is an infant that needs to learn to crawl before walking, running, and ultimately lapping the frontrunner, Google Maps. Instead, we're told that Apple's Maps may be ?'the most beautiful, powerful mapping service ever.'"

Forstall did something similar last year when he unveiled Siri -- Apple's voice-activated personal assistant. Although it was labeled "beta" -- computer jargon for "work in progress" -- in Forstall's demo the application seemed not only to understand every question he put to it, but to have snappy answer. It has not worked so well in the wild, at least not for me.

"Siri has been an embarrassment for Apple," writes Business Insider's Jay Yarow in a piece entitled The Apple Maps Disaster Is Really Bad News For Apple's 'CEO-In-Waiting'. "This is his second consecutive high-profile screw up with iOS software."

Forstall came to Apple from NeXT and first rose to power on the strength of OS X Leopard, a project he managed. But it was by creating the original iPhone operating system -- since renamed iOS -- that he achieved his current status. As the manager of the platform that generates more than half of Apple's revenue, Forstall has amassed enormous clout within the company -- and more than his share of enemies.

"If there's a knock on Forstall," wrote Adam Lashinsky in Inside Apple, "it's that he wears his ambition in plainer view than the typical Apple executive. He blatantly accumulated influence in recent years, including, it is whispered, when Jobs was on medical leave."

According to an unflattering profile in?Bloomberg Businessweek?last year,?Forstall has such a fraught relationship with other?members of the executive team -- including Jony Ive and Bob Mansfield -- that they avoid meetings with him unless Tim Cook is present. The piece goes on to say:

"Some former associates of Forstall, none of whom would comment on the record for fear of alienating Apple, say he routinely takes credit for collaborative successes [and] deflects blame for mistakes."

That's one way to manage a team. In fact, it was often said that it was Steve Jobs' way. But it may not be Tim Cook's.


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House likely to stay in GOP hands on Election Day

by Associated Press

Posted on September 28, 2012 at 1:01 PM

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Democrats and Republicans are spending millions of dollars and airing thousands of TV commercials as they battle for the House's 435 seats.??

But the Election Day result is likely to look familiar.?

Democrats may erode the GOP majority slightly but they seem unlikely to gain the 25 additional seats they need to take control of the chamber.?

Republicans have a money advantage and are using it to link Democratic candidates to President Barack Obama's economic stimulus and health care laws.?

Democrats are accusing Republicans of trying to dismantle Medicare and use the savings to pay for tax cuts for the rich.??

Both sides are trying to figure out the impact GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney's recent campaign struggles will have on House races. So far that seems limited.


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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Something is Brewing at Coffee + Food | The Cultured Seed


Everybody should believe in something? I believe I?ll have another coffee. Unknown

Shhhhh? It isn?t even official yet, but someone told me that there is something a-brewing in North Larchmont. So of course, we had to head over to check for ourselves. What we found is NOLA?s newest eatery Coffee + Food, an exquisite take on two of mommy?s most prized necessities.

The coffee? well, put it this way?I don?t usually like to drink coffee unless I am back home in Costa Rica because I just can?t get down with the Charbucks. But their custom made house blend was smooth and just strong to off-set the mere 4 hours of sleep I got the night before nursing a sick toddler back to health.

The food? is prepared slowly and lovingly with fresh in-season ingredients, but ready for you to grab in a flash on your way to your afternoon story time. You can pick up one of their picnic-to-go packs (like ?The Actress? which is chock full of fresh cut veggies, fruit and protein to get you back in your superstar bod), the already infamous Kale Salad or a fresh pressed Panini. We sampled the Roast Beef with this amazing garlic, pesto rub and the Grilled Cheese, which had gruyere, sharp cheddar (not the orange die stuff), and blue cheese, topped with fresh figs and pressed between raisin bread. Needless to say, that went over too well with the tyke, I barely got a bite! Finish off lunch with one of the amazing deserts, like the Chocolate?Raspberry?Cupcake with Raspberry Mouse (which as far as Arya is concerned, we didn?t eat!?That?s for Edan and I to know, and her to never find out).

If you find yourself in this neck of the wood, stop by for a taste and tell them we sent you.

Coffee + Food, 5630 Melrose Avenue @ Larchmont (Please take note: there is no stopping on Melrose between 7-9 am and 3-7 pm).


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Deadline latest weapon in EADS-BAE merger talks

PARIS (Reuters) - Europe's EADS rejected calls on Thursday to allow extra time for negotiations over a $45 billion merger with BAE Systems , as brinkmanship looked set to play a key role in politically complex plans to create a new defense giant.

Fabrice Bregier, head of the Airbus planemaker unit and part of the inner circle running Franco-German-Spanish EADS, was quoted as saying it was crucial to stick to the date set by UK regulators under rules designed to protect investors.

"The importance is that opinions converge. The October 10 deadline may seem soon but it is absolutely necessary given the environment," Bregier told the French daily Les Echos in an interview to be published on Friday.

EADS and BAE are in talks to create what would be the world's largest defense company. But their efforts have become snagged on differences over control between France and Germany while there are also political concerns about jobs.

German Defence Minister Thomas de Maiziere joined France in pressing the companies to seek an extension of the UK deadline in order to give politicians more room to bridge differences.

"Perhaps we need more time. It depends on the answers for our questions and so I think we need more time," de Maiziere told reporters at a meeting in Cyprus.

France and Germany want to safeguard their influence over EADS while special arrangements will be needed to ringfence sensitive operations, including work BAE does in the United States and on Britain's nuclear submarines.

In the past two weeks, investors uncertain about the deal have stripped 4 billion euros from the value of EADS, illustrating the risk Chief Executive Tom Enders could face if he agrees to expose the stock to a further month of negotiation.

BAE shares have also shed their initial gains and analysts warn they may struggle to carry investors with them beyond October 10 if the talks show no signs of progress.

Yet with two weeks left, EADS and BAE have little incentive to seek an extension to the deadline.

Softening the deadline would ease pressure on Europe's politicians to come to an agreement acceptable to the companies while placating U.S. and UK fears of political interference.

For these reasons, experts say a bid for an immediate extension is unlikely unless there is progress. But if there is stalemate running up to the deadline, leaders of both companies could play hardball and decide to abandon the plan.

"It's normal that different points of view are expressed. Especially in an operation where states have strategic interests to preserve," Bregier told Les Echos.

"This kind of operation requires rapid decisions and it's not EADS or BAE management pushing, it's the markets and the clients, who want to know what the future of the group will be," he said adding that the current merger plan included guarantees to the United States covering its security concerns.


The merger to create the world's biggest defense and aerospace company would dilute the influence of the French, German and Spanish governments in the company, prompting negotiations over their roles in the future.

German reservations include how to safeguard jobs and protect the merged firm from any future hostile takeover, a government document obtained by Reuters on Monday showed.

On Wednesday, a French government source said France would want to retain certain rights, as well.

EADS is standing firm, reiterating its "intention and current expectation" to provide further clarity by that date.

Technically, extensions to the UK stock market deadline are relatively simple and are usually granted, lawyers say.

Yet in classic European negotiating style, as seen on issues from farm subsidies to national bailouts, talks generally go down to the wire.

Raising the threat of a missed deadline, or demanding it be kept, is a tried and tested tactic in the brinkmanship so often seen among the 27 nations of the European Union.

De Maiziere called talks with his British and French counterparts on Wednesday evening "constructive".

"This is a complex situation, there are a lot of questions and conditions, nothing has (been) decided yet ... We will keep in contact," he said.

European governments all face severe spending pressures, but a stand-off between France and Germany over control of EADS is seen as the bigger roadblock, rekindling a climate of mistrust which set in during management rows from 2005 onwards.

France holds a 15 percent stake in EADS and wants to retain its right to influence group strategy. Spain owns 5 percent.

Germany is not a direct shareholder but sees the transaction as a chance to enlarge its influence. At the same time, EADS and BAE are pressing for less political influence.

Airbus's Bregier said he did not see the issue of German state participation being an issue in the talks and did not see any reason why measures could not be taken to ensure a balance with France, whose government would end up with a 9 percent share in the new group as plans stand today.

Signs of discord first emerged at the weekend when Reuters reported that France appeared to rebuff German proposals for a common position [ID:nL5E8KLN1G].

EADS and BAE have said they will offer the governments of France, Germany and Britain a "special share" in the new company, allowing them to block any future hostile takeover, but are determined to prevent any meddling in management decisions.

(Additional reporting by Michele Kambas, Adrian Croft, Rhys Jones, Gernot Heller, Mark John, Catherine Bremer; editing by Jason Neely, Bernard Orr)


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Friday, September 28, 2012

Canada won't say if China involved in hacking incident

OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canada said it was aware hackers had breached security at a domestic manufacturer of software used by big energy companies, but declined to comment on a report that a Chinese group could be responsible.

Calgary-based Telvent, which is owned by France's Schneider Electric SA, warned customers about the attack, which hit operations in the United States, Canada and Spain, the cyber security news site reported on Wednesday.

"The Canadian Cyber Incident Response Centre is aware of this incident and is already working with stakeholders in government and the private sector," public safety ministry spokesman Jean-Paul Duval said in an e-mail late on Thursday. cited experts who said digital fingerprints left during the attack pointed to Chinese hackers.

If a Chinese group were involved it could complicate matters for Canada's Conservative government, which is deciding whether to approve a landmark $15.1 billion bid by China's CNOOC Ltd for oil producer Nexen Inc.

Some legislators are wary of the proposed takeover, in part because of what they say are China's unfair business practices.

Duval, citing operational reasons, declined to comment when asked whether Canada thought Chinese hackers were responsible.

"We can tell you that the government of Canada is working to protect Canada's cyber networks, identify vulnerabilities and intrusions, and to defend against malicious cyber activity," he said.

An organization that regulates U.S. electric utilities is looking into the breach at Telvent, which makes software that energy companies use to manage production and distribution of electricity. Telvent acknowledged a breach had taken place but gave few details.

China is often cited as a suspect in various hacking attacks on companies in the United States and other nations. Beijing dismisses allegations it is involved.

The Canadian Cyber Incident Response Centre monitors cyber threats and coordinates the national response to cyber security incidents.

(Reporting by David Ljunggren; Editing by Vicki Allen)


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Your Future iPad's Display Might Have Built-In Speakers [Patents]

Apple's always publishing patents, but here's one that sounds rather fun: imagine an iPhone or iPad with a flexible display that has speakers built in to it, to provide surround sound. More »


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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Pastors Protest Hobby Lobby Birth Control Fight In Oklahoma

OKLAHOMA CITY ? Christian activists attempted Thursday to deliver a petition to Hobby Lobby criticizing its challenge to a portion of the new federal health care law, but guards at the company's headquarters turned them away.

"I thought they'd let me drop off the package," said the Rev. Lance Schmitz, pastor of the Capitol Hill Church of the Nazarene in Oklahoma City.

Schmitz said more than 80,000 people had signed copies of a petition circulated nationwide by Faithful America, an online Christian group, and UltraViolet, which promotes women's rights. Schmitz said he intends to mail the petition to the company.

Lawyers representing Hobby Lobby this month sued the federal government claiming it should not be forced to provide workers with health insurance that covers the morning-after and week-after pills. Some say the drug's ability to prevent a fertilized egg from implanting in a woman's womb is tantamount to abortion.

Hobby Lobby operates 500 arts and crafts stores in 41 states. Its Christian owners allege in the lawsuit that providing coverage for certain medications violates their "deeply held religious beliefs."

An attorney for the company, Kyle Duncan, said the Green family, which owns Hobby Lobby, respects the religious convictions of others, "including those who do not agree with them."

"All they are asking is for the government to give them the same respect by not forcing them to violate their religious beliefs," Duncan said.

But Schmitz and spokespersons for the Christian groups said the drugs are contraceptives and that women have a right to make their own medical decisions.

"Access to contraceptive care is a very good thing," Schmitz said. "This isn't about abortion. These pills do not cause abortion. It's contraception."

Michael Sharrard, spokesman for Faithful America, said a large part of his group's efforts "is to try to counter extremists" and that it represents the "mainstream majority."

"It's a woman's personal decision on what kind of birth control to use," said Cat Barr, campaign director for UltraViolet. "Hobby Lobby is out of touch with mainstream Americans. It's not their role to be dictating medical decisions."

The petitions accuse Hobby Lobby's owners of using their Christian faith as an excuse to obstruct health care reform and deny women access to birth control. Petitioners vow to not shop at Hobby Lobby until the lawsuit, filed on Sept. 12 in U.S. District Court in Oklahoma City, is dismissed.

Duncan denied accusations that the company is attempting to block women's access to birth control.

"It's not true," Duncan said. "Hobby Lobby covers the vast majority of contraceptives, will continue to do so.

"The only people's rights that are being trampled on here are the Green family and the companies they operate," he said.

Duncan said Hobby Lobby provides generous health care benefits to its employees, including birth control. But the government is trying to force the company cover two specific drugs that the company's owners believe can cause early abortions.

"This is illegal and unconstitutional," he said.

The company claims that failure to provide the drugs in the company's health insurance plan could lead to fines of up to $1.3 million a day.

Duncan said the federal government's birth control guide states that drugs like the morning-after pill and the week-after pill can prevent implantation of a fertilized egg in the womb.

"Millions of Americans would consider that an early abortion," he said. "What the petitioners need to hear immediately is that the government cannot use healthcare reform as an excuse for trampling on religious rights."

Also on HuffPost:

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HBT: Indians fire Acta amid 2nd-half implosion

In August, Indians GM Chris Antonetti said that Manny Acta would be back as manager for 2013. ?August was a loooong time ago, apparently, because the team just announced that he will not be back for 2013. ?Sandy Alomar Jr. will replace Acta for the final few games of the season.

The Indians totally cratered in the second half. They went 5-24 in August and are 10-14 in September. ?Maybe no manager could have saved this team, but when you skid out of control like that, someone is likely to be held accountable.

As for the future: Alomar was a popular candidate when Acta was hired, has been mentioned as a managerial candidate elsewhere and is much-loved in Cleveland. ?This may be a short audition in the run up to being made the permanent skipper.


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The 5 most educated countries in the world

- Whitney Eulich,?Staff writer

Charlie Litchfield/Idaho Press-Tribune/AP/File

5. United States

Post-secondary education: 42 percent of the population
?Annual growth rate for that group: 1.3 percent

The US, the fifth most educated country in the world and the fourth most educated among OECD countries, is home to some of the most renowned institutions of higher education (see here for a list of the 2012 top universities in the world).

However, its growth rate for post-secondary education ? 1.3 percent per year ? is quite low in comparison to the OECD average of 3.7 percent, which means other countries could outpace the US in the coming years.

Although the US is one of the world leaders in higher education for people between the ages of 25 and 64, when looking at the percentage of those aged 25 to 34, it only ranks 14th globally.

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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

At $1.128 billion, Universal has its best year ever at the domestic Box Office


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Lady Gaga Admits She's Battled Bulimia Since Age 15

Days after Lady Gaga admitted that she's gained 25 pounds while on tour, the outrageous pop star posted a stark photograph of herself in underwear, with the caption, "Bulimia and anorexia since I was 15."


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How Conferencing Can Lower Expenses for Your Business

Welcome to My Personal Finance Journey! If you are new here, please read the "About" or "First-Time Visitor" pages to find out more about us. If you would like to receive free updates on articles like this by email, then sign up here or you can?subscribe to the RSS feed. Also, check us out on Twitter or Facebook. Thanks for visiting! Keep on learning!

Click here?to enter my free $79.07 giveaway for a chance to win 5% of My Personal Finance Journey blog income and give another 5% to a charity of your choosing! Deadline to enter is September 30th, 2012.

The following is a guest post sponsored by Powwownow UK. Enjoy!? Businesses of all sizes are struggling to find effective ways to cut costs, even though many of them find that they have no choice but to reduce their spending. Communications are among the biggest overheads that most companies, especially smaller and start-up enterprises have, largely because of expensive phone bills. However, a growing number of businesses are turning to conference calling and seeing how it can save them money on websites like Conference calling has many advantages over other forms of communication besides being cheaper.

Conference calling allows meeting organizers to invite several people at once to a phone or video call, and can be arranged in a matter of seconds. It also helps to save time and enable people to work from home rather than spend valuable time travelling to and from the office. Some companies have grown rapidly on the back of providing conference calling services, one of them being Powwownow. Recently, they managed to secure a ?2.5m loan from the government?s National Loan Guarantee program in order to finance the takeover of a rival firm in order to fuel its already impressive growth.

In 2011, Powwownow UK recorded sales growth of some 30% with total sales in that year of around ?7.5m. The growth in demand for conference calling services has helped to move them in the right direction, and in order to help them stay on the right path, Powwownow launched its ?More Sense than Money? campaign featuring an inept fictional banker and some provocative quotes. They also received help from Barclays, which has seen them receive expert advice on how to get to the next level.

To help increase their appeal to businesses who want to use conferencing software, Powwownow are determined to develop their video conferencing technology further. The reason behind this, says Chief Executive Simon Curry, is that they want to replicate their audio success: ?We need to make sure that, in the long term, we have a large share in the collaboration market. We?re working on high-definition video and audio collaboration products to make sure we?re ready?

The loan, given to them by Barclays, could also help them to fund this move. If they achieve the same level of success as they have done with audio conferencing, then more businesses could be aware of the benefits this technology could bring to them.

How about you all? With the cost of travel these days, are you using teleconferencing more in your career?

Share your experiences by commenting below!


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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Ask A Lesbian, Vol. 5 | Thought Catalog

These questions have been submitted to me from friends over the past year ? questions that they were afraid to ask any other person in the LGBTQ spectrum until I came along. My name is Alison, I am a queer woman living in Denver, and I want you to ask me the questions you?ve always been afraid to ask!

Disclaimer: This is an article written in a satirical manner, meant to entertain only. The opinions and views expressed are only that of the author ? nobody else. The author is in no way an expert, nor is she speaking for the entire LGTBQ community. If you have serious questions, including but not limited to gender heteronormativity, sexuality in general, or ways to assist in the LGBTQ community, please research organizations that are meant to answer those questions. If you have a story or experience that is different, please share in the comments below! Thank you!

?My apologies for the hiatus! Starting graduate school and going on vacation trumped y?all. Hope you weren?t too lost without me!

Should I feel guilty that I ask for a monogomous relationship with my bisexual boyfriend? Is it unfair of me to ask, especially because he may want a relationship with a man down the road?

Hey girl. Cheers to you for asking this, and I?m sorry I?m just getting to it. Here?s what I think:

No. You should never feel bad for asking for monogamy. Contrary to what many people believe, the LGBTQ community is not a bunch of open relationships and polyamorous relationships (not that there?s anything wrong with those relationships, they just don?t work for some people and vice versa). Monogamy has nothing to do with sexual orientation, period. That being said, I think it?s important to discuss boundaries.

When you first became ?exclusive? with your partner, what were those guidelines? For example, my girlfriend and I started dating and I told her I wanted to use the term ?casually dating, while still seeing other people.? Immediately upon saying that sentence, we hung out for 72 hours straight, mostly in bed, as new couples do. After that, I waited a day or two and then showed up to her house. I told her I know I said casually dating, but the thought of being with someone else didn?t interest me; and the thought of her being with someone else while with me made my tummy feel a little sick. She said the same thing, thus we engaged in a monogamous relationship, which we are still happily in. Did you do something similar? Did you two just fall into sync, sans discussion? How did it all come about? Because you need to trust in your partner if and when they say that they?re ready to be monogamous with you. That is something true, coming from their heart, and even if you?ve got that little person named Fear sitting in your heart, smacking the walls every once in a while to let you know they?re around, that doesn?t take away from that person?s truth to you.

If you haven?t had said conversation, now would be the time to do it. If you?re legitimately worried that your partner will stray, ask them! Ask if they?re interested in sleeping with the opposite sex in the future ? and don?t get mad when they tell you their answer, even if it?s not what you want to hear. You asked! If they say they are, then you need to work through that. Where are you two now? Is it someone that exists right now (and if so, are their plans to act on it)? Are you able to entertain the idea of an open relationship and/or polyamory? If those last relationship questions are a non-negotiable, then you may need to rethink your situation. If not, then godspeed, sugar! Let us know how it goes!

How do I bring my first queer partner home for the first time?

I wanted to answer this question fresh off of coming back from doing just this. It?s so hard! Maybe it?s just me, but the entire being engaged to a dude for a while then coming out thing really threw my family for a loop, therefore making this situation intensely terrifying.

As you may be able to tell, I am typing this, which means I am still alive (and very well, thanks for asking)! It can be done, no matter how nerve-wracking. Here are a few tips from me to you to ensure both your sanity and safety:

1. Maybe don?t surprise your family. I think the idea of going in and saying they?re your friend, waiting for your family to warm up to them, and then springing it on them is not a good idea. You?re not only starting off with dishonesty (my number one no-no in relationships of any sort!), you?re being tricky. And why be a trickster with your family, unless it involves hilarious practical jokes on siblings (hand in a bowl of water, anyone)? Go into it open and honest, which is what you?re going to want them to be when you ask what they thought of your new lovahhh. The worst thing is having your family fall in love with your friend, then dropping the ?he/she?s more than a friend, y?all!? bomb and having them immediately associate them with something negative. That?s not fair to your partner, your family, or you in the end.

2. Have a neutral zone to stay at. This one was important for me, because my family didn?t take to my coming out too well. If yours did, this may not be that huge for you. I decided to stay with a friend a few towns over and introduce my lady in a public place, which was a nice reminder to my family that we aren?t in fact cast on the Real Housewives of the Midwest (why isn?t this a season yet?) and are civil humans. For me, I wanted to know that if things got weird, I could thank my family and excuse myself to a place that was safer and more harmonious for my lady and I to be in. And who knows? If things go swimmingly, maybe your fam will explicitly ask you to stay with them the next time you two come to town. Live in the same town as your family? Maybe that?ll extend to a personal dinner in the home.

3. Remember who you both are in all of this. Don?t get lost in the hustle and bustle of introductions and commitments, especially if this is a long-distance trip for you. For me, I traveled over 1,000 miles for a wedding, and had the weight of seeing every single human I had ever become friends with on top of being a reader in a wedding at a church I worked at while still engaged to a man. I had a lot on my plate already, and introducing my lady got me a little frazzled. At the end of the trip, she reminded me that she had taken comp time from work and would really appreciate coming home, decompressing, watching a movie, drinking a little whiskey, and getting back to us. That?s something that I will never compromise ? I won?t lose who I am and who I have become for the sake of making things picture perfect for the family introduction. It?s going to get bumpy, and that?s okay. No relationship, queer or not, is perfect for all parties involved at all times. Remember that! You?re gonna do fine, tiger! Go get ?em!

What are your thoughts on getting back together with an ex? What about salvaging a broken relationship?

I want to scream ?no? so loudly right meow, y?all. But I won?t. There are those success stories that you hear of. There are couples that I knew in high school who did the whole on again/off again thing and are now married. Cheers to them! I suppose this question hits home for me in a few ways. My lady attempted this with her ex, sort of, well?maybe more along the lines of salvaging the broken relationship. I kind of feel like if you?re in something and it hits a wall of a major screw-up, i.e. cheating, lying? then maybe it?s something worth letting go of.

I once took this course on interpersonal relationships, and the one and only thing that stuck with me (other than eating a dip that someone brought in on the last day and getting violently ill?thanks for ruining artichoke hearts for me, random girl!) was that you can never go back. Let me repeat that: you can never. Go. Back. See, romantic relationships are on this mountain ride; it?s like that Price is Right game with the yodelers and climbers. There?s a mountain that you climb, from beginning in the relationship as friends to something more, from something more to deciding to be together? and from there, you either plateau into happiness or you start the downward fall. It can go into this part of not communicating effectively, which turns into a sad, slow downward slope. Or, you can have one of the big no-no?s mentioned above, and BOOM, you?re off like the little dude and his pick-axe. And some couples will try to recreate the magic that once was the beginning. You hear of the whole ?But he/she/ze?s changed! Seriously! They?re like a whole new person!? A ? false, that?s just not gonna ever happen. B ? why would you want to date that same person then? If they?re all shiny and new, why not just date someone shiny and new?

I see it as impossible to not bring back that old baggage, no matter how hard you try. I brought up my ex cheating for years after it happened and we stayed together, because even though I was over it, it was still something that was there. And yes, that might not have been a mature move by me, but we?re not together anymore and it?s not something I deal with now. So there.

I?d say that if you decide to ignore my advice and do it anyway, go in with caution: there?s no telling what will happen to you and the shade that will be thrown on you by others. Understand that you have people who are looking out for your best interest and probably watched the misery that was your breakup, and they only want you to be happy. Best of luck either way! TC mark

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Nasdaq strikes cloud deal with Amazon to cut clients' data costs

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Monday, September 24, 2012

Goodbye, Good Riddance to Euro RSCG

Havas has finally put the unwieldy Euro RSCG brand to rest.

The only losers in the re-branding under the Havas Worldwide banner are the four Frenchmen Bernard Roux, Jacques Seguela, Alain Cayzac and Jean-Michel Goudard, who contributed the initials of their last names to name the RSCG shop that was merged with Eurocom eons ago (1991).

They are now forever inscribed in adland?s Hall of Fame with BBDO?s George Batten, Bruce Barton, Roy Durstine and Alex Osborn; DDB?s Ned Doyle, Mac Dane and Bill Bernbach and Needham Harper?s Maurice Needham and Paul Harper. BBDO, DDB and Needham Harper were joined together in 1986 under the Omnicom moniker.

To this blogger, Havas was playing an insider game with Euro RSCG. A potential client wanting a communications firm with a presence in 75 countries (316 offices) would scratch her head when presented with the brands of Euro RSCG, Euro RSCG Life, Euro RSCG 4D and Euro RSCG Worldwide PR, which itself is successor to the Magnet Communications' amalgamation of Creamer Dickson Basford, Kratz & Jensen, Capstone Communications and CSP Communications.

Way, way too complicated. Havas Worldwide has a nice ring to it.

Of course, Havas Worldwide is different from parent holding company, Havas. But French competitor Publicis Groupe seems to be doing okay with a similar Publicis Worldwide flagship.

In today?s statement, Havas Worldwide claims the move reinforces its ?position as the most integrated, agile, entrepreneurial and client-focused communications group.?

We?ll see about that. More anything than anything else, the re-branding gives Havas Worldwide a hook that a client may hang her hat or ad/PR communications budget on.


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New chemistry technique reproduces nature's elusive complexity

ScienceDaily (Sep. 23, 2012) ? Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute have shown how to synthesize in the laboratory an important set of natural compounds known as terpenes. The largest class of chemicals made by living organisms, terpenes are made within cells by some of the most complex chemical reactions found in biology.

The new technique, described in an advance online edition of the journal Nature Chemistry on Sept. 23, 2012, mimics a crucial but obscure biochemical phenomenon that allows cells to make terpenes. The discovery may one day result in cheaper, fully synthetic versions of the cancer drug Taxol, the antimalarial compound artemisinin and hundreds of other useful terpene products.

"It's exciting for us because we're now making molecules that have never been made in the laboratory before, and we've done this by first observing what nature does," said the senior investigator for the study Ryan A. Shenvi, a chemist at Scripps Research.

Powerful Biological Functions

Terpenes take their name from one of their best-known representatives, the paint thinner turpentine -- a derivative of pine sap. Many terpenes, like those in turpentine, are small, plant-made molecules that turn into vapor at relatively low temperatures and waft easily through the air. These often serve as important chemical signals for plants, and are used by humans in fragrances and flavorings.

Some terpenes are more complex, and are synthesized by plants and other organisms as powerful cellular defense mechanisms. "Having such strong biological functions can make them very useful in medicine," said Shenvi. Paclitaxel (Taxol), a widely used cancer drug, is a terpene derived from the bark of the Pacific yew tree. Artemisinin, the basis for a major class of antimalarial therapy, is a terpene made by the sweet wormwood herb. But the terpene family is highly diverse and also includes vitamin A, menthol, cholesterol and steroids.

Many terpenes, including Taxol and artemisinin, are made naturally in cells by processes that are so complicated, and so hard to understand, that chemists haven't been able to recreate them fully using organic chemistry techniques. The commercial production of these two medicines still depends on the relatively expensive harvesting of starting compounds from plants.

Taking Up the Challenge

In the new study, Shenvi and a postdoctoral researcher in his laboratory, Sergey V. Pronin, set out to recreate one of the two major terpene synthesis processes in nature. Known as tail-to-head polycyclization, this process is used by cells to make numerous complex terpenes. (The other major terpene synthesis process, head-to-tail polycyclization, is already partially reproducible with organic chemistry, and results in terpenes that include steroids.)

The tail-to-head polycyclization process begins with a relatively simple chain of carbon atoms, each of which is decorated with other, mostly hydrogen atoms. The goal of the process is to bend this linear hydrocarbon structure in a way that yields one ringlike structure, then another, and so on in a "polycyclic" chain.

A crucial feature of this process is the effective displacement of positive charge from one carbon atom on the structure to another, in just the right sequence. What makes this feat so challenging for chemists to reproduce, and even to analyze, is that this positively charged state in principle can slide along numerous alternative pathways on the emerging structure. Moreover, because it powerfully attracts negatively charged ions, this carbon-based positive charge, which chemists refer to as a carbocation ["carbo-cat-eye-on"], is inclined to snuff itself out almost immediately.

"Carbocations are notoriously tricky to include in synthetic procedures in the laboratory, because their lifetimes are so short," said Shenvi. "And yet nature has evolved tools to handle them."

Chief among these tools are cyclase enzymes, which hold terpene molecules that are under construction and use their own charged structures to protect carbocations from being quenched -- at least long enough to let them do their work. Chemists who have sought to synthesize terpenes in the laboratory generally have done so without trying to mimic these enzymes' charge sequestration mechanism.

"The natural synthetic pathways were assumed to be much too difficult and maybe impossible," Shenvi said. "But we decided that we would have to recreate it somehow if we wanted to develop a broadly useful technique for making this group of terpenes."

Following Nature's Lead

Pronin and Shenvi eventually found that a type of vinyl epoxide seems to serve as a partial substitute for cyclase enzymes. "We think that it effectively holds the negatively charged counteranion, which would otherwise follow and quench the carbocation before the reaction is complete," said Pronin.

As a demonstration of the power of their new technique, the chemists used it to make two different types of terpene, known as funebrene and cumacrene, starting from relatively simple organic chemistry ingredients. These terpene compounds had never before been fully synthesized outside of living cells.

Shenvi emphasizes that this report represents merely an initial, foundational description of this new strategy, and that technical obstacles still prevent its widespread use. "But once we can get past these obstacles, we should be able to use this new approach to fully synthesize many other valuable compounds," he said. "Basically the entire realm of terpenes will be reproducible with organic chemistry."

Funding for the study, "Synthesis of highly strained terpenes by non-stop tail-to-head polycyclization," was provided by a start-up grant from the Scripps Research Institute and a grant from Eli Lilly & Co.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by The Scripps Research Institute, via AlphaGalileo.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Sergey V. Pronin, Ryan A. Shenvi. Synthesis of highly strained terpenes by non-stop tail-to-head polycyclization. Nature Chemistry, 2012; DOI: 10.1038/NCHEM.1458

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Adu bags brace as Union down Dynamo


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CHESTER, Pa. -- Freddy Adu hasn't always lived up to the hype during his time in Philadelphia, but on Sunday, he delivered one of his best performances in a Union uniform as he led the club to victory.

The mercurial midfielder scored after an impressive individual effort in the 28th minute before converting a second-half penalty kick and the Union went on to defeat the Houston Dynamo, 3-1, at PPL Park.

After Oscar Boniek Garcia answered Adu's opener with his own tally in the 44th minute, the teams entered the locker room tied at halftime. Philadelphia came out firing on all cylinders in the second half, though, and took the lead in the 50th minute. Sheanon Williams drew a penalty when he was hauled down on a corner kick, and Adu slotted home the enusing spot kick.

Houston tried to create an equalizer in an effort to take something out of a match that held importance in the Eastern Conference playoff race. It was the Union that would score again, though, as Josue Martinez finished a loose ball in the box in the 70th minute to put Philadelphia up 3-1, and that's how the game would end.

"I knew the goals were going to come for us, and more so than that, I think we put together a pretty complete performance today," said Union coach John Hackworth. "We were really good on both sides of the ball against an excellent team. We would have been eliminated from the playoffs if it had been anything other than three points. They did a fanastic job."

Houston went back to Texas empty-handed, while the Union remained mathematically alive in the hunt for a postseason berth after a match that saw Philadelphia awaken from a scoring drought in which they had only mustered four goals in their last eight matches.

The Union started Martinez at striker instead of Jack McInerney or Antoine Hoppenot, who had been preferred in previous games. The switch seemed to work, as Martinez looked dangerous throughout and even tallied the first MLS goal of his career in the second half. According to Hackworth, though, the decision to start Martinez was one based on player fatigue, and not necessarily tactics.

"We knew going into these two games, with the three day turnaround, that we had to play a lot of different players," Hackworth said. "We talked about this being a team effort, these two games, that we we would have to use our depth. Josue, along with a lot of our other young attacking players, needs opportunities, so it was good. He did a really good job of doing what we asked him to do, in terms of training and preparation, and that made a big difference today."

While Martinez had seen extended time before, he had never scored, so Sunday's win held added importance for the young Costa Rican as he looks to solidify his role with the club.

"I'm really happy. I think I've worked hard these past few months," said Martinez. "The opportunity arose, and I think I took advantage of it the best way I could. The team did its best and we got the three points."

Martinez's impact was important in the result, but he wasn't the best player on the field Sunday. That honor belonged to Adu, who showed the potential that soccer fans around the country and around the globe know he possesses. Unfortunately, though, Adu injured himself when he scored the penalty kick, and he had to leave the match early in the second half.

"Personally, it feels good. It means a lot," Adu said. "Two goals in league play are good for your confidence, especially when the coach tells you to push forward. To reward the coach with two goals, it's a great feeling. It feels like it's been a while since the team won a game, so hopefully I'm able to stay out in that position and play the rest of the games this year at that position."

For the Dynamo, the loss represented a blown opportunity for the club to distance itself from other teams trying to get into the postseason. Houston remained in the fifth and final playoff spot in the Eastern Conference, but the Columbus Crew now sit just one point behind them. The Dynamo failed to convert any momentum from their 4-0 midweek win in the CONCACAF Champions League into the game against Philly.

Houston will have a chance to get back on track on Saturday, when they return home to host the New England Revolution. Philadelphia, meanwhile, will take on another East contender when they travel to Columbus to take on the Crew.

Here are the match highlights:

What did you think of the match? Can Philadelphia somehow pull off a miracle and challenge for a playoff berth, or were they just playing spoiler? Will Houston rebound next week against the Revolution?

Share your thoughts below.


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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Article Marketing Tips: 4 Perks To Being Published In An Ezine ...


When you submit your article, you?re probably imagining it ending up on an article directory or on a website, but there is another type of publisher who brings a very unique benefit to the article owner: the ezine editor.

An ezine is an email newsletter. You?ve probably subscribed to one of these before. The newsletter comes to your inbox on a particular day, and it contains information about a particular niche. Usually there will be an article or two that the ezine editor thinks that his audience will find valuable.

Sometimes the ezine editor may write the content of his newsletter himself, but oftentimes he enlists the help of free reprint articles. The next time you submit an article, consider that there is a very real chance that it may end up being sent to thousands of people interested in your niche?now that?s encouraging!

When your article is published by an ezine editor, the same rules apply as if it was published on an article directory of other type of website. The editor must include your resource box in full with an active link (or links) going back to your website.

How is being published in an ezine different from being published on a website? What are the unique perks that ezine publications can give?

1 ? Your article is delivered to people who are interested in your subject matter.

Marketing is all about getting you and your website in front of people who would actually be interested in your services or products. That is why the top positions in Google are so coveted?those top sites get the most attention.

The cool thing about ezine publications is that you don?t have to wait for your readers to find your articles or your website by doing searches on the internet. Instead, your article is sent directly to the person?s inbox. This is a person who signed up to receive the newsletter, so they are already interested in your topic.

2 ? When people read the email newsletter and find your article helpful, they can click the link in your resource box and be taken to your website.

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AP Exclusive: Philadelphia man Nazi probe target

This undated image obtained by The Associated Press from the National Archives through a Freedom of Information Act request shows an U.S. Army intelligence card on Johann "Hans" Breyer, indicating he served in Auschwitz as of Dec. 29, 1944 _ four months after he said he deserted. The 87-year-old Philadelphia man is the target of a new German investigation on allegations of accessory to murder at Auschwitz, which comes after years of unsuccessful U.S. attempts to have him stripped of his American citizenship and deported. (AP Photo/National Archives)

This undated image obtained by The Associated Press from the National Archives through a Freedom of Information Act request shows an U.S. Army intelligence card on Johann "Hans" Breyer, indicating he served in Auschwitz as of Dec. 29, 1944 _ four months after he said he deserted. The 87-year-old Philadelphia man is the target of a new German investigation on allegations of accessory to murder at Auschwitz, which comes after years of unsuccessful U.S. attempts to have him stripped of his American citizenship and deported. (AP Photo/National Archives)

In this Wednesday, Sept. 19, 2012 photo, Shirley Breyer, wife of Johann "Hans" Breyer speaks to The Associated Press outside her home in Philadelphia. Johann "Hans" Breyer is the target of a new German investigation on allegations he served as an SS guard at the Nazis' Auschwitz death camp, The Associated Press has learned, in a case that comes after years of unsuccessful U.S. Department of Justice attempts to have him stripped of his American citizenship and deported. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)

In this Wednesday, Sept. 19, 2012 photo, the home of Johann "Hans" Breyer, center, is seen in Philadelphia. Breyer is the target of a new German investigation on allegations he served as an SS guard at the Nazis' Auschwitz death camp, The Associated Press has learned, in a case that comes after years of unsuccessful U.S. Department of Justice attempts to have him stripped of his American citizenship and deported. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)

In this Wednesday, Sept. 19, 2012 photo, the home of Johann "Hans" Breyer, center, is seen in Philadelphia. Breyer is the target of a new German investigation on allegations he served as an SS guard at the Nazis' Auschwitz death camp, The Associated Press has learned, in a case that comes after years of unsuccessful U.S. Department of Justice attempts to have him stripped of his American citizenship and deported. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)

In this Wednesday, Sept. 19, 2012 photo, Shirley Breyer, wife of Johann "Hans" Breyer speaks to The Associated Press outside her home in Philadelphia. Johann "Hans" Breyer is the target of a new German investigation on allegations he served as an SS guard at the Nazis' Auschwitz death camp, The Associated Press has learned, in a case that comes after years of unsuccessful U.S. Department of Justice attempts to have him stripped of his American citizenship and deported. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)

(AP) ? Germany has launched a war crimes investigation against an 87-year-old Philadelphia man it accuses of serving as an SS guard at the Auschwitz death camp, The Associated Press has learned, following years of failed U.S. Justice Department efforts to have the man stripped of his American citizenship and deported.

Johann "Hans" Breyer, a retired toolmaker, admits he was a guard at Auschwitz during World War II, but told the AP he was stationed outside the facility and had nothing to do with the wholesale slaughter of some 1.5 million Jews and others behind the gates.

The special German office that investigates Nazi war crimes has recommended that prosecutors charge him with accessory to murder and extradite him to Germany for trial on suspicion of involvement in the killing of at least 344,000 Jews at the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp in occupied Poland.

The AP also has obtained documents that raise doubts about Breyer's testimony about the timing of his departure from Auschwitz.

The case is being pursued on the same legal theory used to prosecute late Ohio autoworker John Demjanjuk, who died in March while appealing his conviction in Germany on charges he served as a guard at the notorious Sobibor death camp, also in occupied Poland.

The conviction was not considered legally binding because Demjanjuk died before his appeals were exhausted. But prosecutors maintain they can still use the same legal argument to pursue Breyer. Under that line of thinking ? even without proof of participation in any specific crime ? a person who served as a death camp guard can be charged with accessory to murder because the camp's sole function was to kill people.

Experts estimate that at least 80 former camp guards or others who would fall into the same category are likely still alive today, almost 70 years after the end of the war.

Authorities in the Bavarian town of Weiden, who have jurisdiction, are currently trying to determine if the evidence is sufficient for prosecution. A German official working on the case confirmed that Breyer was the target of the probe; he spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to release the information.

Breyer acknowledged in an interview in his modest row house in northeastern Philadelphia that he was in the Waffen SS at Auschwitz but that he never served at the part of the camp responsible for the extermination of Jews.

"I didn't kill anybody, I didn't rape anybody ? and I don't even have a traffic ticket here," he told the AP. "I didn't do anything wrong."

He said he was aware of what was going on inside the death camp, but did not witness it himself. "We could only see the outside, the gates," he said.

Breyer said he had recently suffered three "mini-strokes." But he was cogent and clear as he talked about his past for more than an hour, sitting in his living room.

For more than a decade, the Justice Department waged court battles to try to have Breyer deported. They largely revolved around whether Breyer had lied about his Nazi past in applying for immigration or whether he could have citizenship through his American-born mother. That legal saga ended in 2003, with a ruling that allowed him to stay in the United States, mainly on the grounds that he had joined the SS as a minor and could therefore not be held legally responsible for participation in it.

Breyer testified in U.S. court that he served as a perimeter guard at Auschwitz I, which was largely for prisoners used as slave laborers, though it also had a makeshift gas chamber used early in the war; it was also the camp where SS doctor Josef Mengele carried out sadistic experiments on inmates.

But he denied ever serving in Auschwitz II, better known as Auschwitz-Birkenau, the death camp area where the bulk of the people were killed. He also said he deserted in August, 1944 and never returned to the camp, though eventually rejoined his unit fighting outside Berlin in the final weeks of the war.

A U.S. Army intelligence file on Breyer, obtained by the AP, calls that statement into question.

In 1951, American military authorities in Germany carried out a background check on Breyer when he first applied for a visa to the U.S. The file from that investigation lists him as being with a SS Totenkopf, or "Death's Head," battalion in Auschwitz as late as Dec. 29, 1944 ? four months after he said he deserted. The Army Investigative Records Repository file was obtained by the AP from the National Archives through a Freedom of Information Act request.

The document is significant because judges in 2003 said Breyer's testimony on desertion was part of what convinced them that his service with the Waffen SS after turning 18 might not have been voluntary, further mitigating his wartime responsibility.

Also weighing in Breyer's favor with the judges was his testimony that he refused to have the SS tattoo; he does not have such a mark today or evidence that one was removed.

Kurt Schrimm, the head of the specials prosecutors' office in Ludwigsburg, which carried out the Breyer probe before it was turned over to Weiden prosecutors, said he felt there was sufficient evidence to bring charges against Breyer, although he declined to discuss details.

"All of these guards were stationed at times on the ramps (where train transports of prisoners were unloaded), at times at the gas chambers and at times in the towers," he said.

Weiden prosecutors, who were chosen because the office is nearest where Breyer last lived in Germany, say it could take several months before deciding whether to file charges.

A former prosecutor in Schrimm's office, Thomas Walther, said he had known of the file on Breyer from his time there. He is now already representing, pro bono, a woman who lost her two siblings in Auschwitz at the time that Breyer is alleged to have been there. The woman will join any prosecution as a co-plaintiff as allowed under German law. Walther said he has established the email address auschwitz.coplaintiff(at) for other victims' families.

"Time is swiftly running out to bring Nazi criminals to justice," Walther said. "I hope that prosecutors in Weiden will act soon on this case."

The Breyer case was handled in the U.S. by the Justice Department's Office of Special Investigations. Eli Rosenbaum, who previously headed the office, would not comment on any details of evidence that had been collected against him, nor say whether American agencies were involved in helping with the German probe. Rosenbaum is now with the Justice Department's Human Rights and Special Prosecutions Section, into which the OSI was merged.

Breyer was born in 1925 in what was then Czechoslovakia to an ethnic German father and an American mother, Katharina, who was born in Philadelphia. Slovakia became a separate state in 1939 under the influence of Nazi Germany. In 1942, the Waffen SS embarked on a drive to recruit ethnic Germans there and Breyer joined at age 17. The fact he was a minor at the time was critical in the 2003 decision to allow him to stay in the United States.

Called up to duty in 1943, Breyer said he was shipped off the same day to Buchenwald ? in Germany ? where he was assigned to the Totenkopf.

By treaty, the U.S. can extradite its citizens to Germany. But Breyer said he would fight any attempts to take him away from the U.S. and his wife and family.

"I'm an American citizen, just as if I had been born here," he said in his Philadelphia home. "They can't deport me."


Herschaft reported from New York, Moore from Philadelphia


David Rising can be reached at http//; Matt Moore at http//; and Randy Herschaft at

Associated Press


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