Wednesday, September 26, 2012

How Conferencing Can Lower Expenses for Your Business

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The following is a guest post sponsored by Powwownow UK. Enjoy!? Businesses of all sizes are struggling to find effective ways to cut costs, even though many of them find that they have no choice but to reduce their spending. Communications are among the biggest overheads that most companies, especially smaller and start-up enterprises have, largely because of expensive phone bills. However, a growing number of businesses are turning to conference calling and seeing how it can save them money on websites like Conference calling has many advantages over other forms of communication besides being cheaper.

Conference calling allows meeting organizers to invite several people at once to a phone or video call, and can be arranged in a matter of seconds. It also helps to save time and enable people to work from home rather than spend valuable time travelling to and from the office. Some companies have grown rapidly on the back of providing conference calling services, one of them being Powwownow. Recently, they managed to secure a ?2.5m loan from the government?s National Loan Guarantee program in order to finance the takeover of a rival firm in order to fuel its already impressive growth.

In 2011, Powwownow UK recorded sales growth of some 30% with total sales in that year of around ?7.5m. The growth in demand for conference calling services has helped to move them in the right direction, and in order to help them stay on the right path, Powwownow launched its ?More Sense than Money? campaign featuring an inept fictional banker and some provocative quotes. They also received help from Barclays, which has seen them receive expert advice on how to get to the next level.

To help increase their appeal to businesses who want to use conferencing software, Powwownow are determined to develop their video conferencing technology further. The reason behind this, says Chief Executive Simon Curry, is that they want to replicate their audio success: ?We need to make sure that, in the long term, we have a large share in the collaboration market. We?re working on high-definition video and audio collaboration products to make sure we?re ready?

The loan, given to them by Barclays, could also help them to fund this move. If they achieve the same level of success as they have done with audio conferencing, then more businesses could be aware of the benefits this technology could bring to them.

How about you all? With the cost of travel these days, are you using teleconferencing more in your career?

Share your experiences by commenting below!


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