Sunday, September 23, 2012

Article Marketing Tips: 4 Perks To Being Published In An Ezine ...


When you submit your article, you?re probably imagining it ending up on an article directory or on a website, but there is another type of publisher who brings a very unique benefit to the article owner: the ezine editor.

An ezine is an email newsletter. You?ve probably subscribed to one of these before. The newsletter comes to your inbox on a particular day, and it contains information about a particular niche. Usually there will be an article or two that the ezine editor thinks that his audience will find valuable.

Sometimes the ezine editor may write the content of his newsletter himself, but oftentimes he enlists the help of free reprint articles. The next time you submit an article, consider that there is a very real chance that it may end up being sent to thousands of people interested in your niche?now that?s encouraging!

When your article is published by an ezine editor, the same rules apply as if it was published on an article directory of other type of website. The editor must include your resource box in full with an active link (or links) going back to your website.

How is being published in an ezine different from being published on a website? What are the unique perks that ezine publications can give?

1 ? Your article is delivered to people who are interested in your subject matter.

Marketing is all about getting you and your website in front of people who would actually be interested in your services or products. That is why the top positions in Google are so coveted?those top sites get the most attention.

The cool thing about ezine publications is that you don?t have to wait for your readers to find your articles or your website by doing searches on the internet. Instead, your article is sent directly to the person?s inbox. This is a person who signed up to receive the newsletter, so they are already interested in your topic.

2 ? When people read the email newsletter and find your article helpful, they can click the link in your resource box and be taken to your website.

Some email newsletters have tens of thousands of subscribers. Imagine if your article was emailed to 50,000 people who are interested in your niche? The chances that they would want to read your article and click the link in the resource box are pretty good. That can translate into an avalanche of targeted traffic over the course of a few days.

3 ? You and your business are brought to the attention of your target customers by someone they trust.

This is a very unique opportunity. Of course everyone wants to have Google refer people to their websites, but when your article appears in an ezine, you?ve got a real person who the subscribers of that newsletter trust telling his readers that he likes what you?ve written. That goes a long way toward gaining the confidence of the reader, and as you know?if a person trusts you, then he or she is more likely to take your advice and ultimately buy your product or enlist your services.

4 ? You don?t have to compete for attention. Very likely your article will be one of the only articles in the newsletter.

Have you ever felt like your articles on the internet were swimming in a sea of content, and that it was near impossible to get anyone?s undivided attention on what you?ve so carefully written?

Well, that?s not the case with being published in an ezine. You won?t have much competition for people?s attention, and that?s a great situation to be in. It makes it much more likely that people will take your article to heart and express an interest in getting to know you as the author.

Getting published on websites on the internet is essential to marketing your website and getting a higher search engine ranking, but don?t forget about the special perks that getting published in an email newsletter can bring. Your article will get to bask in the spotlight and come to the attention of many readers in a short period of time. You also get the chance to start relationships with this group of ezine subscribers who are already interested in your niche. Ezines are a different type of publication that offers different benefits, which are a nice addition to the perks you receive from having your article published on the internet.


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